Chapter Thirteen

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A/N I was listening to this song while writing this, it just helped me get a feel for this scene, feel free to listen to it while you read. - In My Veins by Andrew Belle


Derek P.O.V

"Stiles please, just let me explain. Answer the phone, I need to talk to you. Please, I didn't mean for this to happen, please baby pick up the phone I feel like shit, please I need to explain th-" "VOICEMAIL ENDED, WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRY CALLING AGAIN"

I hung up the phone and through it on my bed, pacing the room, running my fingers threw my hair. I can't believe this has happened, I need to talk to him. Now. I need to talk to him, fucking hell Derek what is wrong with you!?! This is all your fault!!!

"Knock knock" "Come in" I say while trying to settle myself, "You all good?" Isaac said walking through the doorway, "Yeah, fine" I responded sitting down on my bed, "Ya know he's just hurt, hes probably feeling insecure that you dont want him.. So talk to him" Isaac tried helping. "How am I supposed to do that?" I asked, "Figure it out" Isaac said with no ideas, "Just give him some space for now, then let him decide what he wants" Isaac says surely.


Derek looked away and down to his hands that were rested on his lap "Just think about it Derek" Isaac said before making his way out of the room. Isaac shut the door behind him, Derek watched as he closed it. Derek sat there thinking about what isaac had said, Stiles and the memories he has made with him.

He couldnt take it, he couldnt bare losing Stiles, the memories ran through his mind, like how Stiles would look at him. How he'd smile. How he kissed him after he told Derek he remembered that night in The 700. Like how his kiss was so soft on Dereks lips it felt as if Derek was floating.

He stood, not being about to handle the memories and moved over to his dresser pushing and smashing everything on it, over to his wardrobe pulling everything out, throwing his light on his bedside table and then threw the table across the room, leaving holes in the walls. Then connecting his fist and the wall together, leaving a hole and a bloody fist in result.

He took 3 deep breaths, in.. out, in.. out, in and out, after these breaths, he rested his forehead on the wall, closing his eyes, thinking about everything that's gone wrong and how its all his fault. He turned around and slid down the wall and sat on the floor, with his head in his hands as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Derek?" He heard a faint voice coming from the doorway.

He looked up to see a scrawny, dark haired man standing at the door.


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