Chapter Twenty-Four

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"He knows what? About us?" He asks, "About me!" Stiles yells back. Derek goes quiet. "I'm sorry" Stiles stands up "How'd he react.." Derek asks quietly. "Well he's not talking to me.."

"Stiles, I know he's one of your best friends and everything but if he can't except you for who you are then what sort of friend is he?" Derek states. Stiles rubs the back of his neck in frustration. Derek notices and smiles a little before grabbing stiles' arm and pulling him onto the bed. They look at each other "Everything's gonna be okay" Derek reassures him. Stiles smiles a small smile and kisses him.


"Are we gonna talk about what happened Scott?" Isaac says from the dorm room floor, "there's not much to talk about" Scott says laying on his bed with his head in his phone.

"There's not much to talk about? are you serious?" Isaac says, "Yeah?" Scott says as if it's obvious. "How about the fact that we had sex Scott?" Isaac begins to get frustrated. Scott with his head still in his phone, "I'm not gay Isaac"

"So that's it? I was just an object to you, nice to know" Isaac stands up and walks out of the room slamming the door behind him. He leans his body on the door and takes a deep breath. Scott dropping his phone once he shut the door, both of them feeling gutted.

Scott rubs his face and Isaac leaves. He goes to Stiles' room in hope of talking to Stiles.


Stiles and Derek wrestled in the bed, laughing and smiling. forgetting all about the world for a few minutes. KNOCK, KNOCK. "Yeah!" Stiles yells out. Isaac entering, "Well don't you two look happy" he states with a smile. Derek gets up and says "I'll let you two talk" and Isaac nods.

Derek walks down the corridor and outside to his car. Getting in and going for a drive. He stops at a food place close by, coming out seeing Danny sitting alone at a bench. He walks over and stands there a second. "Are you alright?" Derek asks.

"Yeah" he responds, obviously lying. "What's wrong" Derek asks curious and abit worried. "Nothing" He says. "What's wrong Danny" Derek says with a bit more force. "I miss you" He says with more force as well.

Derek takes a seat next to him, "I miss you alot and theres nothing I can do about it because you hate me" he says looking down. "I don't hate you Danny... I'm disappointed in you" Derek says, knowing he misses him too. "I thought you were better than that" Derek while standing and walks away, gets back in his car and goes back to campus.

He thought he'd go to the gym on campus to let off some steam he had gained from Danny and his talk earlier. So he walked to his room grabbed a change of clothes, water and a towel an left for the gym.

When he walked in the first thing he saw was Scott on a bench press down the back of the gym. So he decided to have a word with him.

"Scott?" he asked. Scott looked at him in response. "Shouldn't you have a spotter?" I asked already knowing the answer, "Probably" he choked out. "Can we talk" Derek asked nicely, "About what?" he answered. "It's about Stiles" Derek stated. Scott lifted the weight one more time before putting it back on the rack.

"What about him" Scott said sitting up and gripping at his bicep loosing it up from the workout. "You know what" Derek says back. "I really don't think that's any of your concern, Derek" he responds back while standing up.

"You made it my concern when you upset Stiles" Derek said. "Why do you care so much" Scott hesitant to talk. "I just do" he respondes. "Why does it even matter to you if-...Oh wow, just... wow" Scott says and walks away and out of the gym with his stuff. Derek startes working out, harder than he should've but it got the job done.

When he's done he leaves the gym, he walks back to his room seeing Isaac in his room. "Argh yes?" he says as he walks in and drops his bag. "So Scott keeps denying that something happened between us.. I don't know why, do you have any ideas?" He says, curiosity lacing his voice.

"Call him, tell him to meet you here" Derek suggests. "Then what?" He says, "I don't know, we'll see what happens" He says honestly.


Derek P.O.V

"He's on his way" Isaac said, "Alright, um before he gets here.. I'm pretty sure he knows about me and Stiles, I know I should tell Stiles but I don't know how.." I confessed. "Well how did it happen?" Isaac asked, "He pretty much just guessed" I said worryingly.

"Then tell Stiles that he guessed, you didn't tell him, you did nothing wrong. If he guessed than there's not much you can do other than just tell Stiles what happened" Isaac said in hope he'll listen. "Thanks Isaac" I said and I really meant it. Honestly he is a huge help, I see why Stiles talks to him instead of Scott when shit goes down.

A few seconds later, Scott walks in. He sees Isaac and he sees me. "What is this?" He asks, feeling attacked. "We just want to talk" Isaac said honestly.

"Look I'm not gay alright, end of story" he says, Isaac looking between me and Scott. "We never said you were Scott" I said naturally. Scott looks at Isaac and Isaac looks away. "Scotts not gay" he says again. "And Derek really doesn't care" I'm getting frustrated now. "Then why did you have sex with me?" Isaac stepped in, "Well why not, you wanted to. But I am not gay, I don't like guys alright. I don't!"

"I don't believe you" I said, knowing he was still with Allison when all of this accured. "Fine then, don't believe me, I don't care" Scott shouts and walks out of the room and down the hall.

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