Chapter Three

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Stiles didn't realize how dark it had gotten, "I should probably go and get the rest of my boxes. Scott stood up "Alright, come on Isaac" Isaac groaned in disagreement. Stiles looked at the both of them, "Nah its okay, its only a few more, you's stay here, i got it" Scott wanted to help but "Are you sure?" Is all he managed to say. "Yeah" Stiles said certain, smiling before walking out. He walked all the way out to his car and got the last three 6 boxes walking in and back out to his car made him so tired, he could barely stand.

Once he was done he locked his car and walked through the college, looking around in places Scott hadn't shown him, an then up to his room completely forgetting about Isaac and Scott, he opened his door and took his shirt off, laid down on his bed with his head facing the wall without saying a word to his room mate, Danny.

The next morning Stiles was laying on his stomach asleep just before he got woken up by the sound of a car reving, he sat up by putting his elbows under neath his chest and lifting himself up, he looked over at Danny and saw he was playing a car game, Split/Second to be exact. Stiles looked away and buried his face in his hands"Dude, are you serious? I'm tryna sleep" Stiles complained "Bro, we've been playing this all night an your only complainin' now?" He fought back. "We?" Stiles questioned.

Danny smiled to himself "My mate Derek was playing with me, he's gone to get some breakfast," "Ehhh" said Stiles.

Stiles scratched the back of his head tiredly an through his face back into his pillow wrapping his arms around his pillow trying to fall back asleep, "Oh, here he is now" Danny said happily, Stiles lifted his head his head "Seriously Danny I don't car-" He looked at him and saw the guy from the gas station getting the things out of a bag from what he had bought for breakfast. Stiles didn't know what to say except for. "Who the hell is that?" Danny smiled at Stiles. "My names Derek" Derek said looking at Stiles with a smile. "Hey.. I'm Stiles".

"He's hot, huh?" Danny said jokingly, Derek looked back at the food he was getting out of the box and would've sworn he heard Stiles whisper "Hottest man I've ever seen" but he couldn't be sure, but he smiled anyway.


Stiles P.O.V

Derek? What a sexy name. He is so hot what the hell, he must have been made by the heavens or something.
I didn't want to act weird so I pretended he wasn't there which I don't think worked because we kept looking at each other while Danny and him were talking.

Derek grabbed the pancake meal out of the bag and picked up one of the coffees from the tray, looked at me and handed me the food "What's this" I questioned curiously "You didn't think we'd let you starve, did you?" Derek said flashing a perfect smile.


Derek P.O.V

Stiles? What a weird name.
I sat down on the floor next to Danny and he switched it to 'Spit Screen' I was sitting right in Stiles eye view which was by accident. Why won't he stop looking at me? He may be cute but still.


Danny focused on the game and t-boned Derek's car, Danny leant over and in a flirty way punched Derek in the arm.

"Well I gotta go pick my classes, cya's later" Stiles says without leaving room for an answer from them both. He walks out closing the door behind him. He leans against the door, closes his eyes and let's out a deep breath. He opens his eyes and see's Isaac at the end of the corridor talking to someone with tears in his eyes, Stiles rushes over and the person walks away by the time he gets there. "Hey, what's going on, are you okay?" Stiles asks worryingly,

"My mum.. She's gone.."

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