Chapter Twenty-Two

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Derek P.O.V

Honestly I don't know what to think anymore. About Scott and Isaac, Allison and Scott, Danny. Even Erica and Isaac. Like what the fuck is going on.

I don't know if I'll be able to forgive Danny for what he's done. I know we've grown up together but he crossed a line..

I woke up this morning honestly hating what the day would become, knowing it would be full of drama and pain for the people around me, including Stiles. I'll have to go see Danny today and talk about all this. The only thing I'm looking forward to is seeing Stiles later today..

I leave my room and see Isaac walking down the hall, "Isaac!" I yell. He turns and sees me and makes his way over to me. "Yeah?" He asks. "Come in here for a sec" I open my door and go back into my room with Isaac following, I shut the door behind him. "What's up?" He questions.

"I know it's none of my business but do you have feelings for Scott?" I ask, "I knew I shouldn't have told Stilinski" Isaac was surprised by my question, he knows I know but I guess he just didn't expect me to ask about it. "To be fair, he was drunk when he said it" I stated. He looked at me in a weird way, I couldn't really read him. "Yes, I have feelings for Scott, and he doesn't know so I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell him"

"I won't" I reassured him, although I questioned why he didn't tell him if he's slept with him, but each to their own.

"Is that all you wanted to talk about?" He asked, looking around my room as he did so. "Yeah, sorry for bothering you, I'm just trying to figure all this out" I say in return. "I suppose I'll go then" He says putting his head down as if in shame. Before I could say anything he was opening the door to leave, once he left I sat on the end of my bed.

I saw a figure in the doorway, I look up and see a girl leaning on the doorframe.


"Hello handsome"


Stiles P.O.V

"You're what!?" He yelled at me. My stomach is in my throat. "Stiles I've known you my whole life, you're not gay! I think I'd know" he stands, throwing his arms around trying to make his point. "Why are you getting mad?" I asked.

"Why am I getting mad? Seriously? Well lets see. My best friend is telling me that after years of being together and growing up with one another that he's gay. When I know he's not. And even if he was, he should've told me alot sooner"

"I know, I'm sorry Scott... I just didn't know how to tell you" I say lowering my head to look at my hands which are rested on the table. "Why not? Didn't you trust me?" He asks with a glare that could kill.

"Of course I trust you, it's just that-" I tried but was cut off, "No, you know what?! just don't, alright, just don't even" he grabs his stuff and walks away. I can feel my chest tight, my breath short and my body numb. What have I done.

I grab my things and go back up to my room, I get out of my clothes and into someone more comfortable, a jumper and sweat pants will do. All of the motivated that I had, which wasn't much has drained out of me. I lay in bed and curl in a ball, hoping the world will fall away around me.


Derek P.O.V

"Oh my god, what are you doing here!?" I yell in excitement, "I came to see my best friend, is that alright with you?" She responds back. I stand up and hug her. "I can't believe you're here" I say. We pull away. "Isn't it like a 5 hour drive for you?" I asked, "Yep, that's why I'm staying at a hotel a few blocks away" she smiles her beautiful smile which I've missed so much.

"Your staying?!" I say excitedly, she smiled in agreement. I can't help but hug her again. Her laughing while I did so. "Alright, come on, show me around this place"

I grab my keys and phone and walk out the door shutting it behind us. We walk out to the campus grounds, "So this is the tables which me and my friends sit at when, whenever" I state "Oh my god" she says. "What?" I ask. "You have friends?.. That's a surprise" She jokes. "Ha, ha" I shoot back, we both laugh.

We walk some more, "And this is Scott and Isaac's room, you'll meet them later" I say standing outside of their door.

Burp..burp. "Hold on" I pull my phone out of my pocket and see its 11:30 am. "I got to go, my classes start in 3 minutes, I'll catch up with you later? I'm sorry, just have a look around and argh, make some friends, catcha later" I say before running off.

Braeden walks around the school looking around at her surroundings.

+5 hours later+

On my way to Stiles' corridor, I run into a young, brown headed girl. "Oh, sorry I-" I look up to see Malia, "Derek?" She asked surpirsed, "What are you doing here?" I tell, I grab her and pull her into a short hug. "Me and Braeden came down together, she's here to see you and drop me off" she says with a smile plastered on her face.

"Drop you off? You're staying?" I ask confused, "Yeah, I'm enrolling" she looks excited yet terrified. "That's amazing, so I guess I'll be seeing alot more of you then, hey" I playfully punch her arm. She nods, "Well I got to go, I'll catch up with you later, go see if you can find Braeden she's around here somewhere" I laugh. I make my way up the stairs to Stiles' corridor when I see Danny and Ethan talking a few doors down from Stiles'. Rage rising in my chest, I feel my body tense up and hatred begin to take control of me. I open stiles' door and shut it behind me, leaning against his door, panting a little.

I look around the room and see Stiles in his bed facing the wall wrapped up in his blanket, within seconds the tension is gone and I'm instantly calm. I smile to myself at how adorable he looks while he sleeps. I walk over to his bed, pull back his covers and lay down, spooning him from behind. I pull the covers back over us and get more comfortable, as I do so he shifts back into me grabbing my arms that's around his waist, up to his neck, as he cuddles into my arm.

After a few hours, I fell alseep, drowning in the scent and comfort of Stiles Stilinski.

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