Chapter Nineteen

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Derek P.O.V

I thought it'd be a good idea to check all of Danny's favourite places. Starting with the Beach. He was more so a loner growing up, me and him were kinda like Scott and Stiles. We only had each other in middle school. And since then we've been best friends.

As I was driving to the beach, I saw Danny's car parked in the parking lot, so I pulled in. Putting the car in park and turning off the engine. I hopped out of the car, shut my door and walked down to the sand.

Look around seeing no sign of Danny, so I walk down to the water front and look a little harder.


So I walk back up to my car and look over at his car parked in the parking lot, I walk over to his front window. I cannot believe what I see.

I see Danny having sex with Allison in the back seat. So I open the door. Leaning on the door frame, "Well dont you two look like your having a lovely time" I say annoyed at what's happening in front of me and by the sudden jump of them I accume they didn't hear me coming.

They look at me and I look at Danny, I roll my eyes, shutting the door and walked back over to my car. Danny stumbled out of the car and chased after me.

He called my name but I didnt listen, he caught up to me and turned me around by grabbing my shoulder. "Its not what it looks li-" he tries "Yeah? Then what is it than Danny?" I cut him off. I will admit this really pissed me off, probably more then it should've.

"A lots going on!" He said, "And that made you cheat on your boyfriend and ruin a perfectly good relationship between Scott and Allison?" I stated. "I wanted to get back at Scott.." Cause that made sense. "What did Scott do?" I asked, curiosity and anger filling my mind.

"He stole Ethan.. Him and Ethan were spending a lot, and I mean ALOT of time together over the last few weeks and it bothered me, Ethan was texting him all the time.. It made me feel like Scott had taken him from me.." He responded. "And that made you to go out and fuck his girlfriend!? Out of jealousy!?" I yelled. "You dont get it Derek" he yells back, "Your right, I dont get it. I dont get it because I'd never do that.. You'll have to make it up to Scott, he's not gunna let this go easily"

"You can't tell him Derek!!!" Danny pleaded, "I have too" I responded trying to avoid eye contact. Before I know it I have a fist being thrown at my face, and I went down, "I'm sorry Derek but I won't let you tell him"


Stiles P.O.V

"What!?" I responded to his unbelievable words, "When we were on our trip, we had a room together and once it started to get dark we both got a little bored so we went for a walk and found a club not far from our hotel, we started drinking and dancing.. Somehow we got back to our room an I dont know.. One thing led to another and it kinda just.. happened.." He said worryingly

I couldn't help but feel excited to think maybe my best friends gay, I mean just imagine how much I could talk to him now.

It made me happy. Not one negative bone in my body. I am on board straight up. It went quiet for a couple seconds before I said.

"Me and Derek are dating"

"I know" he said looking at me in a sympathetic look, I didnt know what to say next an before I know it, he's speaking up.. "We should go find Derek, Danny was pretty pissed before and honestly I dont trust that Derek can handle Danny on his own"

I laughed, knowing what he just said was complete and utter bullshit.


We went downstairs and outside to my Jeep, "Can I drive?" Isaac asked, "Nice try" I replied while unlocking the car and getting in the driver seat. He gets in the passenger side and first thing he does is turn the radio on like dude stop touching my car ahah.

We pull out and drove everywhere around the area. both me and Isaac don't really know Danny that well so we don't know where to start. We tried the shops, the lake, the park, paintball ring, go cart racing, but nothing.

Isaac wouldn't shut up the whole car trip, and randomly he starts rambling on about how he's in the mood to go to the beach, which got me thinking maybe Danny's there. So we made our way there, once we pulled up. Seeing Derek on the ground getting up and tackling Danny onto the parking lot floor.

I pulled in and got out of the car immediately, Isaac doing the same. I run up and pull Derek back off him and stand in front of him, Isaac grabbing Danny from behind. "Let me go!" Danny screams, and Derek spits blood out of his mouth off to the side. I could tell Derek was more calm than anything so I let go of my hard grip, an ran my hands down his arms as he watched me, getting to his hands I held onto them, looking up at him.

Danny still yelling trying to get out of Isaac's grip. Isaac stands infront of him, "What the fuck is going on??" He slightly yells, Derek looks up and to Danny, "Ask him" he says. Allison climbs out of the car with a light blanket wrapped around her, her underwear and bra on. Without saying anything. Isaac and Stiles see her and look at eachother.

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