Chapter Nine

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Derek P.O.V

Waking up to the sound of Danny and Stiles yelling me awake while hitting on a frying pans was believe or not, very unexpected.


"What the hell are you doing?!" Derek yells rolling over to put a pillow over his face, "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!!" Danny screams while still hitting the pan. Danny ran out of the room waking up everyone in the corridor making them all yell out to him telling him to shut up. While Stiles stayed in the room.

Once Danny left, Stiles sat down on the side of Derek's bed, Derek watching, making him move the pillow away from his face, Stiles leant down and gently placed a tender kiss on Derek's lips before saying "Good morning and happy birthday, handsome" Derek smiled and moved his hand up to cup Stiles jaw and pulled him down into another kiss before Stiles stood up seconds before Danny ran back in.

"Any plans for today?!" Danny said so fast it was like he had just swollowed a bag of sugar. "How did you know it was my birthday?" Derek asked suspiciously.

"Dude, I've known you since year 4, c'mon" Danny replied as if he was stupid for asking.

Derek gave a little smile to Danny and looked over at Stiles and gave an even bigger one, luckily Danny didn't notice.

Derek stood and chuckled at how excited Danny was for his birthday "Well I can't do anything today, I have work in 10"

Derek watched as his words made Stiles smiled fade and into a hurt expression. Within seconds Derek made a suggestion he hadn't known he had made until Danny answered.

"Why don't you's chill at The 700 while I work, ya know, make a whole night out of it?"

"That's a great idea, me and Stiles will go get dressed" Danny said excitedly... "Together?" Derek questioned, "No!" Stiles answered in a quick and slight yell, "Dude, he's cute and all but he's not my type" Danny says with a smile, "Hey!" Stiles yells trying to defend himself, Danny watches as Derek smiles at Stiles. "Oooooo looks like someone's crushing" Danny said sarcastically, Derek looked over at Danny and smiled so much his cheeks turned a slight pink.

Derek looked at them both and said "Okay now could you two idiots get out an go get dressed, I gotta get ready for work".


Once one o'clock hit, Danny and Stiles were banging on Derek's door, telling him to hurry up, Derek opened his door wearing a white long sleeved button up shirt, with a tie an rolled up sleaves with a pair of black denim jeans.


Stiles P.O.V

Okay!? What the fuck!? Where did Derek go!? I swear to god if Danny wasn't here I would be ripping Derek's clothes off of that sexy body of his. Seeing him like that made my heart beat so far out of my chest I was honestly scared Derek would see it.


"You r-ready?" Stiles asked nervously, "Yeah" Derek smiled looking over at a bright red Stiles.


The car ride was quiet since Stiles had no idea what to say to this breathtaking man beside him, the only sound you could hear was the tires faintly hitting the gravel on the road and the sound of the radio playing in the background.

"Stop here" Stiles said unexpectedly, Derek slowing the car down while asking why. "Because I gotta go get Scott" Stiles says, Derek not even realizing he had stopped in a hotel parking lot.

"So he's in there?" Derek asked unsurely looking over at the hotel, "Yeah, Since he's in college and she's still in high school from being pulled back a year and Allison's parents don't like them together, they both travel half way to each other and that's here. And you could probably guess what they're doing, same with Isaac and Erica" Stiles smiled awkwardly.

"So I'm guessing Allison and Erica are their girlfriends?" Derek asked stupidly "Yeah, now I'll get them both, since I doubt you would wanna see that"

Stiles smiled as he climbed out of the car, thinking about how nerve wracking its going to be interrupting them.

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