Chapter Seven

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Stiles walked over to his window an opened it, letting fresh air rush into his room. He looked down at Scott and the rest of the group. Derek was laughing at Scott while he was trying to do a cartwheel. It made him a little jealous to see Derek have his full attention on his best friend, but then again everyone was laughing and smiling at him so Stiles shouldn't be caring. Stiles watched as Danny stood up and tried to copy Scott but was distracted by someone calling his name.

Danny started to run and out of no where Ethan was running towards Danny, Danny ran into his arms and then they kissed. Stiles smiled to himself and then looked at Scott, Isaac and Derek, they all looked confused as fuck which made Stiles laugh. Ethan sat down with them all and Im guessing Danny introduced them because they all smiled at him after Danny had spoken, randomly Scott looked up at Stiles window and then everyone did. Stiles freaked and just waved to them. He put to much effort in and nearly fell out of the window, Derek immediately stood up. Stiles got his balance and stepped away from the window, not trusting himself near it.

Stiles looked down at his watch and realized he should be at his class by now. So he turned around, got the books he needed and shoved them in his bag before leaving the room and walking to his classes.

+3 hours later+

Derek P.O.V

Sitting in a bean bag, on the floor of Stiles and Danny's room, wasn't actually that bad, the fact that Isaac and Scott were hanging out with Danny and his boyfriend was weird though.. Playing games with them four is fun but I wish Stiles was here.

Seconds later their room door opened, and standing there was a very tired and worn out Stiles, "You look awake" Scott joked. Stiles didn't answer, he just walked over to his bed, and laid on it, uncomfortable he grabbed his pillow out from underneath Scott since he was laying on it and through it on one of the bean bags and through his weak body on top of it and laid there, not saying a word.

Scott, Isaac and Danny played the game while Derek and Ethan laid there watching them while Stiles was half asleep. Ethan was sitting behind Danny with his arms rested around his waist kissing the back of his neck. Danny asked if everyone wanted a drink or something to eat from the shop down the road. "Yeah" Scott said with Isaac answering the same a second after. "Well you're gunna come with me cause I don't know what you want and I don't wanna drive alone. Ethan your definitely coming" he said with a smile meant for Ethan.

They all got up and walked out of the door, saying bye to Derek and Stiles, Derek would say bye back while Stiles just grunts. Once the door shut things got quiet, and very awkward.. Until Derek looked at Stiles and he was playing with his fingers. "Hey Stiles?" Derek asked in a hushed whisper, "Hm?" He hummed back in response, "Do you happen to remember what happened last night?" Derek asked hesitatingly, "Not really, I don't remember going to the club and I'm not to sure how I got home" he said tiredly, "Oh" Derek looked down, "But everything that happened between us, is as clear as anything" Stiles looked at Derek and watched as his eyes lit up when he smiled.

It made Stiles smile and get up and lean over Derek and pressed his lips against his and slowly move in perfect motion with eachother. Derek lifted his hand up to Stiles cheek and corresed it while they kissed. Suddenly the door flung open and Isaac ran in, he saw what they were doing and they stopped instantly, he stopped in his tracks "I just, forgot my phone" He said confused about what he had just seen. He grabbed his phone and walked back out apologizing as he did so and shut the door behind him.

Stiles and Derek looked at eachother, "So does this mean you're officially my boyfriend?" Stiles asked with a smirk on his lips which made him smile even though Stiles was freaking out about Issac.

"Yes it does"

Stiles smiled,

Making Derek kiss him again. "But there's one problem" Stiles said with a scared tone "What is it?" Derek answered worryingly, "Isaac and Scott don't know that Im gay, no one does" Stiles confessed, "Stiles I didn't even know I was fully gay until I met you, but knew the moment I seen you at the gas station that you were going to mean something to me" Derek said looking into Stiles eyes, Stiles smiled and stood up and picked up his pillow and through it on his bed.

"I gotta get to my other classes" Stiles says while looking down at Derek, "I'll walk you" Derek says while standing. Stiles grabs his bag and they both walk out the door, shutting it behind them. The moment Stiles shut the door, Derek walked behind him down the corridor and wrapped his arms around his waist, hugging him from behind, making Stiles smile. And in that moment Stiles didn't care who was watching, who was judging, an hating on them. Because he was happy.

A/N: I know my chapters are short and I'm sorry but I really like how I ended that😝

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