Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A wince came across Derek's face with a slight inhale between his teeth in discomfort. Stiles looks down to see the blood and stab wound. "Derek?" Stiles said freaking out while holding the wound. "He got me, but he's gone now" Stiles eyes fill with tears as he locked eyes with Derek intensely. Derek looking down at him "I'm ok" he said reassuringly. "We need to get you to a doctor" Stiles moves up under Derek's shoulder for support and they walk out to the car. They both didn't know what sort of aid they had at the school. So they decided to go straight to the closest hospital.

While driving in the car, Stiles started to cry. "I'm okay Stiles" Stiles didn't take his eyes off the road. "Derek sits up a bit, wincing and clutching at his side. "Hey, Stiles.." No response, Stiles pulls over on the side of the road because he was having trouble seeing the road clearly due to his tears. "Stiles, look at me... " Derek lightly cuffs Stiles chin in his hand and pulls his head slightly "Look at me Stiles. I'm gonna be okay... If iy can deal with you on a daily basis I think I can handle a stab wound" Stiles laughed, and Derek smiled. Stiles looked at Derek and Derek lent forward, kissing Stiles so lightly that Stiles knew he needed to get him to the hospital pronto, he wouldn't have the man of his dreams bleeding out because he couldn't keep himself together enough to get him to the hospital.

Stiles franticly parks near the entrance and gets out, he runs to the other side of the car, nearly falling over. he opens the door helping Derek to his feet and inside.


Their friends came but left because Stiles wanted to be alone and the doctors weren't allowing visitors due to them attending to his injuries, they were all tired anyway from the stress of earlier.


Stiles P.O.V

I can't believe they made me sit in the waiting room. Seriously that's my boyfriend in there.

He sees a doctor walking closer to him, oh god. "Stiles?" The doctor asked. "Is Derek okay? Where's Derek? Is he gonna need surgery? Is his life in danger? Does he need-" I don't know what came over myself. "Slow down, slow down.. Unfortunately Derek has hit a major artery, he'll be going into surgery at 2:30am. Although he won't be all there for maybe a few hours after that so you're welcome to go home if you'd like, he's in great hands here" The doctor explained. "I'm staying" He nodded and turned away.

"WAIT!" The doctor turned back around "Can I see him?" I asked desperately. He doctor smiled, "Sure, let me take you to him" I stand up and feel an instant rush of anxiety and fear. I didn't know if he's okay or if he's even conscious, I hope he's alright.


Stiles walks into the hospital room and sees him asleep, "We've stopped the bleeding but he's going to be unconscious until his surgery. Visitors aren't allowed to stay here overnight. Visiting hours are between 5:00am and 8:00pm you are more than welcome to come back tomorrow morning"

Stiles looked at Derek one last time, he was pale and lifeless, it hurt him to see him like that. Though he didn't realise how much time had passed and was forced to leave the building.

Stiles played with his keys as he walked towards the car, once he got there he unlocked it and opened the door. Looking inside, his eyes started to water seeing all of the blood staining his seats. He climbed in and took a deep breath trying to hold back his tears, unsuccessfully he started to cry, which quickly turned into a sob while gripping onto his steering wheel.

After a few hours he couldn't cry anymore, tears staining his red cheeks while in a daze not noticing it was 7:30am. His phone vibrated, lifelessly he picked it up, seeing he got a message from Scott

~Where are you? the hospital said the only visitors that came through was a woman for Derek. I don't know who but it's visiting hours and I can't find you. -Scott-RECEIVED~

He locked his phone and wiped his face, noticing all the blood again and had to get out of the car in hopes he'd forget about it and wouldn't break down again. He ran up to the hospital doors and ran straight to Derek's room, colliding with Braeden in the process. "Stiles?" "Braeden?" His body turned weak and he started to collapse in pain, she caught him and hugged him on the floor in the middle of the hospital room. Everybody hearing his cries from down the hall. Scott, Isaac, Ethan, Danny, Erica, Malia and Derek's mother all walked in, crying at the sight of Stiles.


His friends left and Derek's mum asleep in the chairs next to his bed while Stiles is asleep in Derek's unconscious arms. Derek's eyes flutter open, seeing his family and the love of his life, he gives a weak smile and kisses Stiles on the forehead.

Stiles opens his eyes and looks up and locks eyes with him. "DEREK!!" Stiles sits up frantically and hugs him, making Derek scoff in pain by the sudden pressure upon his wound, but of course who else would jump on him like that. "I'm sorry!" Stiles asks worried, "It's fine" He responds with a small laugh.

Derek looks around the room and sees his mother "My mum's here?" Derek stated, almost confused. Stiles heard the tone in his voice and thought to himself, 'Why would that surprise him'.. "Yeah, they came as soon as they heard what happened, you seem surprised?"

"No.. No. I just..I don't know" Derek responded. "The doc says you'll be out of it for a while so don't over do it" Stiles said as more of a demand than anything "Ahah yes sir" Derek joked in response. Derek looked over to his mother and she started to wake. "I'll go and annoy a nurse.." Stiles says, obvious he just wanted to give Derek and his parents some alone time. Derek nodded while gripping Stiles' hand until he's out of reach.

His mum looks up "Mum" Derek says in a rather heavy tone. She stands up and slowly walks over towards the bed "How are you doing.. Can I get you anything.." "No" He cut her off bluntly. "Why are you here?" Derek asked. "You're my son" She said with certainty in her voice, "Really, because I distinctively remember you saying that I wasn't, or rather that I never was" His tone building into a rage. "I'm sorry" She shuttered. "I just don't approve of your lifestyle" "You mean you don't approve of who I am".

"Finding out that I love men shouldn't be something you're ashamed of" Derek yelled. "Get out" Derek said. "Derek.." "GET OUT!!".

Derek's mother walked out without saying another word.

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