Chapter Thirty-One

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It was mid day by the time Lydia, Stiles and Derek were done shopping for the supplies they needed. Both Derek and Stiles thought that some things could've been left off the list but who's to argue with Lydia, she is the brains after all. She's always been like that, ever since Stiles was little. He honestly adord that about her.

"Okay let's go boy's" She says twisting on the spot and strutting out to the car, Derek and Stiles dawdling behind her. Derek was quiet, in fact he had been the entire time they were out. "Hey are you okay?" Stiles asks worryingly, "Yeah, why?" Derek says in response. "You've just been abit quiet", "I guess I'm just tired" He says looking over to Stiles and wrapping his arm around his waist as they walk.

"Come on! We don't have all day!" Lydia screams across the car park, leaning on one of the doors of her car with all of the other doors wide open waiting for all the bags in which she made Stiles and Derek carry. When they reached the car, they placed everything inside and got in. Driving back to campus to gather clothes and other necessities for the trip.

They all got out of the car and before they split up to go individually to their dorms, Lydia said "Oh! By the way, I know you don't have a tent so I took the liberty of buying you one and I'll bring it to the camp and set it up for you" "Ya know I can put up my own te-" Stiles tries "I have a vision, don't ruin the vision!" She jokes before she continues"We're all meeting there, I've already sent the location to all of you,  we'll meet there, Scott's going with me and Braeden so maybe you two could bring Isaac?" She says hopeful, "I'll ask him" Stiles says with a smile. "Okay, see you there" Lydia says before leaving.

Derek gives Stiles a nod and walks off to his room, Stiles while walking back to his room pulls out his phone to call Isaac, "Hey, what's up?" Isaac greeted, "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to ride with me and Derek to the camping grounds?" He asks. "Yeah, okay, I'll meet you at.. your Jeep or Derek's Camaro?" He wonders. "My Jeep, it's got more space, plus Derek would never let sand into his Camaro"  They both laughed and agreed, Isaac stating that he will meet him there when he's packed.

Stiles walks into his dorm and puts a bag on his bed, he stopped for a moment, looking over at Danny's bed, he wondered if he should invite him.. but decided against it. Stiles liked Danny apart from the fact that he slept with Allison and cheated on Ethan. He hurt Scott alot but Stiles was beginning to wonder if that even mattered anymore, since it was clear to him that Scott has suppressed feelings for Isaac and Isaac him. Although Isaac isn't all that blocked by it, he's more of a let it flow kind of person.

He began packing his bag with shirts and a jumper, pants and other things he might need, he was going through his dresser when he saw it.. a condom.. he remembers bringing it to campus his first day because he didn't want his parents finding it in the leftover stuff he didn't bring with him.

"Should I?" He thought to himself, "just in case" he thinks, picking it up, "no, if he sees it, he'll think I only came for sex" he thought, putting it back in his dresser and walking over to his bag and collecting the rest of his things, he turned around and took a step closer to the draw, "no Stiles" he protested, picking up his bag and walking out the door and to his jeep.

Isaac and Derek were already there waiting for him when he arrived, he greeted them and unlocked the car, they all packed the car and hopped in and drove to the camp, the car ride was silent, apart from the quiet radio playing. When they reached their destination, it was just before dusk and their eyes lit up with magic.

Stiles parked the car and got out excitedly. "Oh my god" He said, to noone in particular. "Lydia how did you-?" He was cut short, he couldn't speak. It was beautiful, the burning fire, the string of fairy lights wrapping around the trees, the way blankets were laid out by the fire and the dim glow of candle light coming from all the tents.

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