Chapter Twelve

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"Stiles!" Derek yelled.

"Don't talk to me Derek!" Stiles yelled back, "Just let me explain" Derek says walking closer to Stiles "Don't take another step, I mean it.. What's there to explain? Huh? You kissed her, not much to elaborate on" Stiles says before turning to walk away.

Derek grabs his wet arm gently, hoping he won't pull away, he pulled away an turned around, Derek could see the hurt in his eyes, "Please" Derek said meaningfully, he turned around and walked away. Leaving Derek standing there dripping wet in the rain, on his birthday.


Days go by of Stiles doing the exact same thing, getting up an going to his classes and going back to his room, not talking to anybody, not seeing anybody, not eating nor sleeping. He was wallowing.

He was laying on his bed, drowning in his own thoughts when he heard a knock on the door. "Go away" he yelled out, "Its Isaac" a faint voice answered behind the door Stiles didn't answer so Isaac slowly made his way into the room.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly, "Yeah" He answered without taking his head from his pillow. Suddenly Danny and Ethan made there way into the room laughing. "Oh sorry, we'll go" Danny says looking over at a very miserable Stiles, "No, its okay, you's can stay" Stiles responded with a twitch of a smile.

Isaac looked down at the damaged, fragile kid. "Well I'm here if you wanna talk, okay?" Isaac reassured him

"Thanks.. Isaac.. But I just wanna be left alone" Stiles admits weakly. Isaac nodded in response and left the room Danny and Ethan still in the room. They sat on Danny's bed together trying to be as silent as possible.

Stiles didn't know why this was effecting him so much, it actually surprised him. He had only been with Derek for a little while but for some reason, it felt like he had known him for a lot longer..

Stiles sat up and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him, "Stiles!" Scott yelled from down the hall, Stiles turned around and watched him walk closer towards him, "Where have you been the last few days, Ive been looking for you" He says to Stiles, "I got tired, after my classes an wanted to sleep so I came back here" Stiles says hoping Scott will believe his lies.

"Oh alright, this is the only place I didn't check" he confessed with a laugh, Stiles slightly smiled, "hey, are you okay? Your not looking to good" Scott asks concerned about his best friend. "Yeah, just having trouble sleeping" Stiles says looking down at his feet.

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen you since Derek's birthday, which was a week and half ago, where have you been?" Scott asks curiously. "Just had a lot to do" Stiles says looking at his surroundings, "Okay.. But all of us miss you, Me, Isaac, Danny, Ethan, Allison, Erica and Derek" He said with a smile.


Stiles P.O.V

He just had to put Derek's name right at the end, everyone knows that if you say a bunch of names, the last name you hear is the one you'll remember the longest.

"Look Scott, I've just got a lot going on, I'll check in when everything dies down" I said unsure if I would, or even could. I hate Derek for what he has done, I hate the way he kissed her back when he knew I was watching, I hate that he knows how to hurt me, I hate how he apologized for it, I hate how he always knows what I'm thinking, I hate how he can tell when I'm not myself, I hate how he looks at me as if I'm a masterpiece, I hate how he consumes my thoughts, I hate how he is everything I've ever wanted.

He has been texting me everyday since he kissed that girl at the club, I haven't answered one. The truth is I don't want to face him, I don't want him to grab me and tell me how much he regrets it, I don't want to see him hurting, I don't want any of that, because once I face him, I know I'll forgive him instantly. And I don't want that. Not right now anyways.

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