Chapter Thirty-Three

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*Huff Huff*

His body is on fire, his mind dizzy as he laid on-top of him, hearing the moans leaving his body made him quiver with pleasure. "Ah, fuck Stiles" he groaned, as he thrusted deep inside. The sound of him filled Derek's ears, sending chills down every inch of him as he thrusted harder. Grabbing at his hips and digging his teeth into his neck. Stiles moaned and pulled at him to get deeper. Stiles grabbed him before rolling, landing on top of him, as Derek laid flat on his back. Stiles began to grind slowly, making Derek grip at his hips for guidance. "I love you" Derek admitted. Stiles smiled, I love you to-" his words were cut short by a knife at his throat with a man in a hood, hovering over him from behind "You love him aye? Well this will be funner than I thought" He dragged the blade across his throat with one quick slash..

Derek was frozen, watching him lifelessly fall.

Sweat drenched him as he frantically awoke from his sleep. He sighed as he sat in bed running a hand over his face "Not again" He mumbled. He stood up and headed for a cold shower to cool off his not so innocent thoughts before going and meeting Stiles.

He sat on the edge of his bed while he put on his shoes, thinking about what Stiles had said. Is that really what he wanted to tell me when we laid together? He wondered. A sigh escaped him before checking his phone. 7:30am Stiles isn't awake yet. With that thought, he left his room. Desperate to meet with him.

He made his way to his door, opening it quietly as to not wake him. His eyes scanned the room, only to land on Danny laying on his back playing his phone. He tilted his head in confusion as Derek stared back at him. He nudged his head to the side to say "leave." Danny stood and left without saying anything.

Derek hovered over Stiles' bed, taking in how beautiful he was. He was on his back, arms rested above his head with the blanket rested at his hips. His shirt was riding up, showing the pale skin of his hip bones. Derek flushed, his dream coming into focus as he gazed down at him. He wiped his face, trying to push down the heat in his cheeks. He slowly climbed on top of him. Stiles mumbled incomprehensible words at the movement but he didn't wake. Derek's lips found their target at his neck, gently sucking on the sensitive skin.

Stiles' hands lazily moved to Derek's hair, running his hands through as he slowly began to wake up. He pulled at him, drawing him in closer. Derek lifted his head. "Good morning" He said with a smile, brushing a hand over his cheek. Stiles opened his eyes and stared at him, as if he was taking in every feature. He grabbed the back of Derek's neck and pulled him into a kiss. He let his mouth open, guided by the way their lips moved together.

Derek grazed his tongue over Stiles' lip, asking for entrance. Stiles pulled him in even more, their tongues collided, wet and desperate. His legs wrapped around Derek's hips as he pulled him down into him. A soft moan escaped Derek. His hand slowly made its way to Stiles' throat, gently choking him. Stiles' head tilted up with the pleasure. Derek softly kissed his jaw as he wrapped his free arm around Stiles hips, pulling him up into him. A moan left Stiles, and Derek was on fire. Stiles was pink in the face and panting.

He looked down at him, as his hands drifted to his exposed hips. He ran his hands over them, feeling the indents as Stiles laid there watching. His hand slowly began to explore beneath his waistband, testing the waters of Stiles' acceptance. He watched him, watching his eyes fill with nerves and excitement.

He explored deeper, Stiles' breath caught as he wrapped his hand around the shaft, before leaning down and kissing him. Derek let out a growl as he began to stroke him. Stiles' moans filling his ears "W- wait" Derek slowed, looking at him. His hair was a mess, his eyes almost closed in pleasure and his skin hot, flushed. Derek smiled, "I don't think you want me to stop" He looked down at his hand in Stiles' pants and felt himself start to pulse.

"Take them off" Stiles said. Derek was surprised at the request but didn't argue, shifting on the bed and pulling his pants off as he kissed him. Derek was in-between his legs, sitting up with Stiles' hips in-between his legs. He kissed his knees as he wrapped his hand around once more. Wetting it with his saliva. Stiles' head thrust back as he began to please him. Derek's jeans tight against his crotch. Moans escaped Stiles, leaving Derek craving to have him. To make him squirm and quiver under his touch, to make him scream his name.

Derek's eyes follow Stiles' hands as he began to unbutton his pants. His breath caught watching, as nerves started to rise in his stomach. "Are you sure?" He asks, hoping to holy god he says yes. He nods in response, lifting up and kissing him as he continues to lower Derek's waistband. His hand immediately grabbed at his shaft, Derek gasped in surprise.

Derek grabbed the back of Stiles' neck and kisses him, laying him back down on the bed as they felt each other, stroking one another as their tongues danced.

They both began to shake, the anticipation building within them. Stiles lined him up and ran his hands through his hair, grabbing at the roots desperately. Derek's insides exploded, feeling himself pressed up against him, ready for him made him weak and animalistic all at once. "Are you sure?" He says. Stiles only smiled, ready.

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