Chapter Sixteen

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+1-2 hours later+

Stiles was sitting down out the front of the school under a tree just thinking when he saw Derek walking with a bunch of people he had never seen nor met before.

The girls were all wearing mini skirts and too small tops, while the guys would wear jeans and surfy t-shirts, and to be honest, to Stiles they all looked stuck up as fuck.

He sat there watching every move they made and randomly, Derek looked his way.. He stopped walking and everyone around him kept walking, they stopped and told him "you coming?" He looked at them an nodded and said "yeah" and walked away with them.


Stiles P.O.V

I was on my way back to my room tryna think on what I've done wrong but nothing came to mind, once I got to my room I sat at the end of my bed still trying to figure out what I've done. I didn't want to think about it any longer so I put a movie on. I got up on my bed and watched it. I must've fallen asleep though because I woke up at 5:00pm with the movie and TV off.

It must've have been Danny I thought to myself. I grabbed my phone and plugged in my earphones and got up and sat at my desk and done my homework for History.


Derek P.O.V

I went by to Stiles room to talk to him but he was asleep with his TV on, so I took the movie out and turned the TV off for him, I walked over and sat on his bed admiring every detail of him. "I'm sorry" I whisper before leaning down and kissing him on the forehead, I got up and walked to the door stopping in the doorway, I turn around and look at him one more time before leaving an closing his door behind me.

Once I got to my room, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and started to clean the mess I had made previously.

In a way, it all feels wrong when all I want to do is hold him.

I slowly moved myself over to my bed and sat myself down, having rather too many thoughts running through my mind at once.. Tears threatened to sting my eyes as I only just managed to hold them back.

After awhile, I numbly stood myself up. Slowly running my hand through the roots of my hair.. Stress began to overcome my body and pushed me back to my bed. Leaning against it, I couldn't hold it in any longer..

Tears started to stream down the sides of my cheeks, I felt my knees get weak before I slid down the side of my bed and onto the floor. Having my head in my hands, I ran my hands through my hair again, gripping as hard as I possibly could.

I hate this.

+Next day+

Alright I haven't talked to Stiles in nearly two days, he's been blowing up my phone with messages which is making this extremely hard.... Aghh.......

Fuck it

~Stiles, meet me at Jackson Whittmores party, 8:00pm-SENT~

I through my phone on my bed and looked through my draws for something to wear, I picked out a black T-shirt with black jeans and of course my leather jacket, I gathered what I needed to have a shower, leaving my clothes on my bed I was going to wear.

When I was done I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out of the bathroom and got dressed. After I put my underwear on and while I was pulling my pants up I got a message.


I did up my pants and through on my shirt, this is going to be a long night.

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