Chapter Twenty-Five

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Derek P.O.V

It's been a few days since me, Isaac and Scott had our talk and since then not one person has talked to Scott. Stiles didn't know what to say so he didn't say anything. Isaac didn't know what to think so he was quiet too, I hadn't really talked to him much generally and everyone else, well they all haven't really talked to one another.

Braeden and Malia don't know anyone but me and somewhat Stiles. Danny hasn't talked to any of us, especially Scott and Stiles. Ethan left because of Danny and Allison and Erica are nowhere to be found at the moment, I'm guessing it's because they still go to high school.


Stiles P.O.V

Since everyone isn't talking to each other, me, Derek and Isaac had spent alot of time together and within that time we've gotten to know each other a lot more. Derek would tell me stories about his family, what his sisters were like and how Braeden acted like another sister, I'd tell him about my past and what Scott was like growing up and Isaac he openly told us about his feelings for Scott and how he doesn't know what to do.

I guess it's a good thing that he's being so open with us, having no secrets feels so much better than holding it all in. A few more weeks had past, me, Isaac and Derek were focused on school and the homework that was a signed to us.

I will admit it is so fucking hot seeing Derek working on his projects for Mental And Wood Work classes. Seeing him in a singlet, sweaty, with dust in the air and watching him use a power tool is holy fucking jaw dropping.

I'd ride that man to end of the universe.

At one point I caught Isaac staring at him as well, I mean I don't blame him, he's a friggin sex god, but still don't look at my man.

A few days go by, our grades are at our highest and everything is okay, Malia is taking all the same classes as me so I can help her catch up. Oh yeah, I met Malia.. She walked in with Braeden when me, Derek and Isaac were playing video games one night. She's really nice, I don't know much about her though.

Me and Derek are in his room, on his bed, both leaning against the wall just talking while Isaacs in class. About everything, anything. Burp... Burp... Derek's phone went off, it's a message from Braeden.

~Derek, I'm bored can we meet up? bring Stiles I wanna know more about this kid😉-Braeden-RECEIVED~

Derek laughed a bit. "What is it?" I asked, "Just something Braeden said" he responds. "She really means alot to you, doesn't she" I say, "She's always been there for me, she's like a sister.. An I have no idea where I'd be without her... She's also on her way here to hang out"

I nodded. "We can go to the new Diner down the street, I hear it's nice there" I suggest. "Yeah, alright we'll do that, I'm starving" he says in agreement. "I'll message Braeden and tell her to meet us there" Derek says, picking up his phone.

A few seconds go by, "Done, let's go" Derek gets up and puts out a hand, I take it and he helps me up. What a gentleman.  We go outside, get in his Camaro and drive to the Diner. The traffic is terrible so he parks a few streets away where he can get a park.

We step out of the car, shutting our doors and meeting at the hood of the car. Derek locks it and we start walking, "So it's just going to be, you, me and Braeden?" I ask just to make sure. "I think so" he responds back looking at me in a way I cant place. I look at all of his features including the small smile forming on his lips, "You are so gorgeous, like oh my god" I say in a slight shout, louder than intended. "Jesus, don't tell the whole world" he says. I soften unintentionally "The world should know how beautiful you are Derek" he blushes and looks down, I grab him slightly and kiss his cheek, he smiles. "But if they try to take you away from me, I will cut their fingers off" I added.

He smiled some more with a touch of a laugh. I loved that I could make him laugh, I mean I dont know why it was funny I was being completely serious but still, it's good to see him smile. We reached our destination and he opened the door for me, which make me think of how feminine I am in this relationship by comparison to Derek, it actually make me feel a bit insecure. Am I a feminine gay?

We walked in and took a seat, I picked up the menu on the table and looked through it, Derek sitting there patiently waiting and watching for Braeden.

A milkshake, fuck yeah. "They have milkshakes!! Oh my god they've got chocolate" I said excitedly, head still stuck in the menu.

Derek's eyes locked onto me, noticing how excited I had gotten I suppose, he stands up and walks over to the counter, he's probably asking where the bathroom is or something.

I'm still shook over these milkshakes, not alot of places sell them anymore, I don't know why. It's mainly in a kids menu nowadays, sadly.. Derek came back an placed a large chocolate milkshake in front of me, I was surprised and extremely excited by the size.


Derek P.O.V

Seeing the excitement in his eyes when he read the menu was so adorable I had to get one for him. Seeing his face light up even more when I placed it in front of him was exactly what I hoped his response would be.

"I could've bought it on my own ya know" he said sculling down his milkshake like there's no tomorrow. "I have a job, you don't. Plus, I like doing things for you" he leant over the table in the booth we were sitting in and kissed me. The kiss lingers on his lips more than it should've.. But he didn't mind.

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