Chapter Thirty-Five (Discontinued)

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It had been months of planning. Lydia obviously took care of everything, she's a party planner at heart after all. Stiles and Derek would sit there, flustered by all her suggestions and would agree while not really knowing what she was talking about. Everyone was helping in their own way. Scott and Isaac were looking into seating arrangements while Braeden figured out music. Lydia assigned everyone a job, even Danny, who was sending out invitations that Lydia designed.

The only people who didn't have a role, was Stiles and Derek, who were told to just "show up and shut up."

Stiles looked over at all the folders and sheets of paper laid out all over the desk, the pages were filled with flower arrangements and ceiling decorations, much too feminine for his liking. Anxiety starting to settle in his stomach, hoping their wedding wouldn't look like that. Lydia snapped her fingers Infront of his face, drawing his attention back to the current problem at hand.

"So, what do you think?" Lydia looked worried for the first time since all this chaos began. Stiles looked her in the eyes and thought about it. Stiles knew Derek got on better terms with his mother ever since the house was bought, it gave him some closure, some kind of proof that she really does love him, although they're still healing. "I think having his mother make a speech, would be great." He smiled at her. The anxiety seeming to leave her after that was resolved.

Derek makes an entrance by kicking open the door with a loud thud and a dozen folded cardboard boxes. Their attention snaps towards him at the sudden intrusion. "What's that for?" Stiles asks. "They're for later, I don't know where to put them." Stiles looked around his room, trying to find a place for them when he kept talking. "I would've put them in my room but Ollie would eat them," Stiles' smiles because it's very true. Ollie - Derek's puppy - has grown into a teenager, a very destructive teenager. He rips apart anything from toilet paper rolls to pieces of paper left on the floor. At least he only chews the smaller things Stiles thought.

"What're you doing?" Derek asks, hovering over the back of Stiles' computer chair, looking at the carnage of papers spread out everywhere. "We're deciding what should happen during the reception." Lydia answers. "And I wasn't going to be part of this conversation?" Derek asks. Lydia glares at him, making him back away slowly from Stiles' chair and giving him 'Oh fuck, I woke the dragon' look. Stiles chuckles at him before Lydia steals his attention again, asking yet another question about flowers and table arrangements. With that, Derek left the room, leaving the boxes on Stiles' bed.

"So who is going to be your best man?" Stiles looks at her. "Scott and Isaac." He says as he spins around in his chair to stand. "You can't have both!" She yells, as if they were two ice creams I wasn't allowed to eat. "Why not?" He looks at her, confused. "Because you can only have one." She demands. "I'm having both, you're gunna have to deal with it." He says, attempting to sound firm.

"You can't have both, I've already talked to Derek and he agreed to having just Braden. It needs to be even!" Panic was coating her words, making them twist into a sound of desperation. Stiles tilted his head "What about Danny?"

"Danny said that he shouldn't be involved in the main event because of everything that's happened. Derek asked him but they both agreed it would've been a bad idea."

Stiles was silent. How could be possibly choose between his best friends? It's true that Isaac joined him and Scott later in the years but he's still one of his closest friends.

After ending the conversation with Lydia, Stiles left the room. He needed space to think about all of it. How could he choose? It's impossible.


This is the last draft I have written, I'm deciding to upload it even though it isn't finished due to this story being discontinued.

I really appreciate all of the votes and interest from you guys, you have no idea how much it means to me.

Thank you so much for going on this journey with me.

I will never forget it.

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