Chapter Twenty-Three

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Stiles P.O.V

Waking up to the sound of two guys arguing isn't the best way to wake up. But waking up to a gorgeous and sleepy Derek next to you, is pretty close to perfect if you ask me.

The voices started to annoy me because I didn't want them waking Derek up so I sit up and look down at Derek, taking in all of his features and place a small kiss on his cheek. I crawl up and over Derek to get out of bed trying not to wake him when my knee gets caught on the blanket and I go face first falling off the bed. Of course.

I quickly turn my head to check if Derek woke from the sudden thump of my body hitting the floor but he didnt budge. Thank god, that would've been embarrassing.

I stand up in a slight rage and open my door. Looking down the corridor at the two arguing men. It was Ethan and Danny. "Fuck you Danny, how could you!?" Ethan yelled. "How could I? How could I? You were over fucking Scott so why are you so fucking mad for!?" Danny yelled back. "Nup, I'm done" Ethan says in certainty as he walks away "Yeah! fucking go then!?" Danny yells.

Danny was left standing in the hall alone. I smiled by accident and went back inside. I looked over and saw Derek still asleep on his back, one arm behind his head and shirtless. When the hell did he go shirtless!? I will admit I started to perve a little.

He's fucking handsome.. With those musculen arms and that ripped torso, his dark hair and that jaw. Argh. And those lips, oh my god those lips

He stopped me in my train of thought when he breathed out heavily and fidgeted a bit. I walked over and got back in bed, not tripping thank god. I sit down next to Derek and slide into the blanket and rest my head on the side of Derek's chest while his hand is still behind his head

I laid there for a while just soaking up all of his gorgeousness. But after a while I wanted to hear his voice so I tried waking him up. "Derek" I said quietly. No response "Derekk?" I tried again, still nothing. I breathe out in frustration.

I lay back down on Derek's chest and look up at him, I lean up and start kissing his neck softly. "Derekkk?? Come on Derek" I say in a calm and mellow tone. I kiss him again and that starts becoming my main priority. He wakes up "I'm awake, what do you want" he says tiredly. I look up at him and one arm is over his eyes with a small smile. I kiss him on the arm "I miss you, get up" I say whiningly. Derek moved his arm still smiling, and looking at Stiles. His eyes went soft and looked at all of Stiles' features and looked deep into his eyes "God damn, your beautiful" I hesitatingly shake my head and have a grossed out expression. But I still blush anyway. He lifts his hand up and finds it way to the back of my neck playing with my hair softly.

This man really knows how to make me weak I'm telling ya. I lean down and kiss him, then shift myself to on top of him, still kissing him I gain a gentle grip on his wrists and pulling them up above his head and pulling my hands down his arms and sides. Our lips inches apart I hear a heavy little breath come out of Derek's lips making me smile at the sound.

Without warning a dark girl walked into our room, I jumped a little. "Oooo well, hellooooo there.." She looks at Derek so I look at Derek. His heads up off the pillow looking at her and then plants his head back down in the pillow, smiling while he covers his eyes again. That made me so warm inside I have no idea why.

"Argh, sorry but who are you?" I say, probably more bluntly than it should've sounded. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought Derek would've already mentioned me... I'm Braeden, Derek's best friend" I look down at Derek and say "I thought Danny was your best friend?" he moves his arm away and says "he was, I went to school with Danny all my life, and Braeden, well she lived across the road from me" she cuts in "Causing me to be the most awesome and wonderful girl in his world" she joked. "Ha, you wish" he says then laying an arm back over his face.

I smiled, "So, how'd you find my room?" I ask curiously. "Sorry ahah, argh I was looking for Derek and I ran into a guy named Scott I think it was and he told me your room number and said that he might've been here, now I can see why" she smiled.

"Scott told you?" I said shocked. "Yeah?" I look at the floor, "You sound surprised" Derek says from behind me, "It's not" I deny it. "Braeden could you leave us" Derek says, worry lacing his voice. She nods and leaves the room shutting the door.

"Why is that surprising Stiles, what happened" He asks with a worried face expression. I look at him and down at my fingers that I was nervously playing with.

"Scott knows"

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