Chapter Six

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Stiles P.O.V

Opening my eyes and sitting up, hurt my head a lot. Looking at my alarm clock to see it is 9:35am, made me want to lay down, roll over an go back to sleep since my classes start at 10:30. But I got up out of bed even though my head was spinning from the night before.

I walked over to my draws and picked out a dark pair of jeans an a white T-shirt with black outlining the collar and sleeve's. I grab a towel and everything else I needed and I had a shower.

The moment the warm water hit my skin I felt instantly better. I always loved having showers, I'm not to sure why. After my shower, I got out and pulled up my underwear and then my jeans up onto my waist I looked around and noticed I don't have my shirt, I walk out of the bathroom to see it lying in abit of a ball on my bed.

I walk over and grab it, suddenly I heard the room door open, I spin around in fright, and saw Derek standing at the door with his hand still rested on the doorhandle. He looked me down and up and once he got to my eyes he lifted his eyebrows slightly before saying "Ugh.. My bad.." He turned around, an while walking out shut the door behind him.



Derek P.O.V

'Ahh Shit...' I thought to myself while shutting the door. Nothing really says awkward until you see someone half naked you weren't supposed to see. But seeing Stiles like that, seeing his pale skin and his bare chest, with dripping wet hair. Makes me want to rip his jeans off.


Walking down the corridor away from Stiles' room, he tries to hide his boner. Before he could do anything about it he heard Stiles yelling out his name, he turned around and saw Stiles walking out of his room, fully clothed while shutting the door and jogging over to him.

Before Stiles got there Derek walked into Danny. "Oh sorry mate" Derek said in apology. "Haha its okay" Danny responded "Where are you off to anyways" "Oh I'm.. I dont know actually" Derek confessed with a slight tinge of red surfacing on his cheeks while watching Stiles walk towards him.

Once Stiles got there he asked what Danny was doing and where he was going. "Oh I'm just going to chill with Scott and Isaac out the front on the tables" Derek and Stiles looked at each other in confusion and back at Danny "Since when were you three friends?" Stiles asked "Since yesterday, Scott and Isaac were looking for you at around 10:30 ish last night, they found me in our room instead and asked where you were, I said I didn't know and me, Scott and Isaac all chilled instead, now were hanging out for abit" Danny confessed with a smile on his face.

"Anyways I gotta go.. Did you two wanna come?" Danny asked politely, "Sure" Stiles responded.


"Hey guys" Danny said confidently walking over to the table Isaac and Scott were seated at. Scott looked and seen Stiles and Derek walking with him. Derek and Stiles looked at each other and smiled. Scott formed a confused face expression on his face, "What?" Isaac asked Scott. "Oh, nothing" Scott said with a smile.

Stiles and Derek sat down with the rest of the group but they didn't say anything. After about 20 minutes Stiles said he had to go, he had classes. And stood up and walked away. Stiles' classes didn't start for another 10 minutes, he just couldn't sit there any longer.

Stiles went back to his room and opened the door seeing a musculan man sitting on Danny's bed. "Um hello?" He said "Have you seen Danny?" The guy responded. "Ahh yeah, he's out the front, what do you want him for?" Stiles said without thinking "Im his boyfriend, I'm here to surprise him" the man said with a smile "I didn't know Danny had a boyfriend" I confessed.

"He doesn't talk about me much, we like to keep to ourselves" He said walking towards the door. "I didn't catch your name" Stiles said quite quickly..


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