Chapter Twenty-One

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Isaac walked in and we locked eyes. He walked over and said hey. Stiles turned in his chair "HEY, Gay boy!" While leaning back onto the bar bench. Me and Isaac looked at each other and I shrugged "He was stressed" I said. And he nodded, "Would you be able to take him back to his dorm?, please. I would do it but I got shift" I said, "Yeah.. Come on Stiles" He said wrapping his arm around Stiles and helped him up before walking him outside.

While I watch Isaac stumble Stiles out the door, Allison makes her way up to me. "You can't tell Scott!" She screams at me slamming her hands down on the bar. I laugh a bit and say "he already knows darl" she slapped me across the face before leaving with Erica.

A guy sat down at the bar "Ooo, that look like it hurt, you must've pissed your girl off bad" the man said. I smiled "Yeah, something like that"


Stiles P.O.V

I don't remember the ride home, all I remember is almost falling over walking through my door way and Isaac saying "shit"

It was probably a good idea taking me home considering I can't see straight, ahah. Isaac through me on my bed, face first. He took my shoes off while I  was rambling on "Hey! Only Derek is allowed to touch me like that!"

Next thing I know I'm waking up the next morning, checking my clock seeing it's 8:00 am. I slide out of bed and onto the floor hungover as all hell and notice Danny was asleep in his bed. Eh I thought to myself.

What an asshole.. But then again, Scott did it too so I guess I can't be mad.

I got dressed and looked at my schedule, I've got no classes today. Derek and everyone else barely have any classes, like what the fuck. That's so unfair.

I grabbed my keys and walked out of the dorm room, looking around for any sign of life. When I heard screeching and boys yelling so I went downstairs to investigate, obviously. When I saw it was just a bunch of guys playing basketball in the Hall, I decided to check my phone because well.. why not? When I saw I had 5 messages and 3 missed calls. first message, Scott.

~Hey Stiles, Isaac told me you were shit faced last night, you all good?-Scott-RECEIVED~

~1 missed call from Scott~

~He also mentioned that you tried to beat the shit out of Danny.. an that he told you about what happened between me and him-Scott-RECEIVED~

~2 missed calls from Isaac~

~Call me-Isaac-RECEIVED~

~So both me and Allison got dumped by the boys, Maybe you, me and Ali should hook up. Get back at the boys😉 Jokes😂-Erica-RECEIVED~

~Call me when you wake up so I know you got home safely-Derek-RECEIVED~

Fuck that's alot of messages. I'm not ready to answer anyone yet, especially Isaac and Scott, they're probably ready to skin me alive.

Out of boredom I walk back up to my room and sit on the end of my bed, I read over the messages again and call Derek.

Burp, burp... Burp, burp... Burp-

Derek-"Good Morning Stiles"

Stiles-"Good Morning Derek"

Derek-"I'm guessing you got to your dorm safely?"

Stiles-"Yeah.. Um, are you busy today? There's just so much stuff going on and um, I just really wanna see you"

Derek-"I have 2 classes today, then I'm all yours"


Mid way through Derek's response, Scott came through his door, slowly and quietly creeking it open. We meet eyes, "Can we talk?" He whispers.

Stiles-"Argh, keen! Hey, I got to go but I can't wait to see you today, I'll talk to you soon, byeeeee"

Derek-"See ya Stiles"

Stiles hangs up and leaves his bedroom, "Oooo who was that" Scott asks while following him. No response, just a smile. "A girl?... Or better yet, a girlfriend??" Stiles lets out a little chuckle at the word girlfriend, knowing damn well girls, and a girlfriend aren't his thing.

"What did you want to talk to me about Scott?" I ask. We made our way downstairs to the tables outside and we sat down. He looked down and said "I had sex with Isaac... " he looked up, "But I'm not gay, I don't like guys, I don't know why it happened, it was a mista-" I cut him off, "Scott, even if you were gay, I wouldn't care. It wouldn't bother me at all actually. Because well argh.. Um..This is hard for me to say, but um...

I'm gay, Scott.."

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