Chapter Eleven

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Derek held the door so everyone could walk in, Stiles walked at the back of the line and as he was past Derek, looked around to make sure no one was looking and gave Derek a quick kiss, making them both smile.

They walked in, side by side. All Derek could think about was holding Stiles hand, but he knew he couldn't. Looking over at him made Derek realize how happy Stiles made him and how he hates how he can't share it with anyone.

Derek walked up to the bar and told his friends to sit while he made his way around the bar. Once they did Scott asked "Where's Danny?".. "He's on his way" Derek says certain. "Can I get you lot something to drink?" Derek asks, Scott and Allison raise their hands, but Isaac and Stiles sit there.

Once Scott and Allison down their first shot, Danny and Ethan walk in, hands locked together making Derek look at Stiles, and making Stiles look down to his hands.

"Wanna shot?" Derek asks the boys, "Yeah!" They respond in sync. Derek pours them their shots, and gently slides them along the bar. They take their drinks and Danny holds his up "Here's to," looking over at Ethan "Love, and being able to love who you love, no matter the gender.. And a happy birthday to the birthday boy"

Derek shook his head and smiled. Soon after Scott looked at everyone and saw Stiles and Derek looking deeply into each eachothers eyes, but then Stiles looked away, making Derek smile and grab a cloth to wipe down the bar. That was weird he thought

The day darkens and more people start to arrive, making the dance floor pretty packed. Scott, Allison, Danny and Ethan were dancing and Isaac and Stiles were still sitting at the bar, "Hey.. Are you okay?" Stiles asks, "Yeah" Isaac responds bluntly "What's up?"

"Just been thinking a lot" Isaac says playing with the straw in his drink, "About what?" Stiles says without hesitation, Isaac looks at him, "Sorry, you don't have to answer that"

"I just miss my mum, and no matter how much time I spend with Erica, it doesn't make the pain go away..the only time I feel a little bit better is when I'm with.. Scott" He says faintly. "Scott?" Stiles responds confused, "Yeah, and I know how weird this must sound but.. I think I might have a thing for Scott", "I thought you were straight" Stiles says honestly "I guess not" he answers.

"Does he kn-" Stiles tries before being cut off, "NO" Isaac confirms. Stiles sits there shocked, and then remembers something. "You haven't told Scott about.. What you saw. Or anything? Right?" "No, I figured if you wanted him to know, you'd tell him yourself, but I think he should know his best friends fucking the 'sexiest man on campus' " He teases

Stiles looks over at Derek who's serving a couple at the end of the bar, Stiles seen him smile at them after they handed him a tip, it made Stiles seriously think about telling Scott.

Scott came up next to Stiles, stopping his train of thought, "C'mon birthday boy, time to dance" Scott says getting Derek's attention, "I don't dance" Derek says with a amused smile.

"Just come on" Scott says while Derek walks out from behind the bar and Scott grabs his hand, making Stiles extremely jealous and takes him to a comfy chair in the club, Stiles watching his every move

"I thought we were dancing?" Derek said confused on why he's sitting, before Scott could answer, the song changed and a girl named Micky he worked with, came and started giving Derek a lap dance, she sat on his lap and rolled her hips up on him, She grabbed his hands and put them in her hips while moving her hands up to his hair, pulling slightly, she rolled her hips and pulled Derek's head up and kissed him.

Stiles felt his heart shatter as he watched, he couldn't believe he done that, Derek kissed back but then stopped and looked over at Stiles, who was already out of his seat and walking out the door.

Derek got the girl off him and ran outside after Stiles, Stiles didn't know it was night and raining until he had walked out, but he didn't care.

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