Chapter Fifteen

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Stiles P.O.V

"DAD!!!" I yelled hoping he'd turn to face me.. He turned, but seeing the hatred in his eyes was enough to make me look away.

I didn't say another word, I wanted to.. There were so many things I wanted to say but it was like my mouth was sown shut. He looked so disgusted in me..

I watched him as he walked away from me down the corridor, my back hitting the wall as I slide down onto the floor, I knew from that moment on thing's were never going to be the same.

I didn't even notice Derek had walked out of my room until he was kneeling down in front of me, putting his hand on my cheek caressing it gently, while his other hand rested on my knee.


"Stiles?" His voice blocked my train of thought, I looked up at him with heavy, red eyes, "You've been out here for 2 hours.. Do you want me to take you back to your room" he suggested caringly.

I nodded in response, he stood up and helped me to my feet watching my every move on our way back to my room. I sat down on my bed while he stood, Before I knew it Allison and Erica were storming into my room

"Why didn't Isaac and Scott say goodbye, why'd they just leave like that without saying anything, I can't believe-" Allison rambled on madly. "What?" Derek questioned. "They left and me and Erica don't know where they went" Allison said harshly, I crawl up to the top of my bed to my bedside table, "I got a message from Scott".. "Well??? Read it!!" Allison orders.

~Went on a trip with Isaac to Italy with our Italian class, didn't have time to tell anyone, we will be back in 3 days so try not to kill each other~ Scotty-Scott-RECEIVED"

I looked back at everyone and Allison and Erica turned soft. "Sorry.. We just don't see them much anymore and we figured, I don't know" Erica spoke quietly. I think Derek could tell I was still feeling off because a second after he asked if the girls could leave.

They did, but left the door wide open. I stood at the end of my bed with Derek standing in the doorway.. "Are you okay?" He asked "Not really no.." I responded.. Its not like I'm gonna lie to him.

He walked towards me and put his hands on my waist "It'll be okay Stiles" I couldn't help but look to my feet and smile. I looking up at him and he looked at my lips and started to lean down to kiss me when Danny and Ethan came in, he instantly let me go an took a few steps back.

"Ooo what's going on here" Danny teased

"Nothing" Derek said firmly, before looking over at me and back to the other boys, saying "I gotta go, I got class in a bit.. See you's later" before walking out of my room, looking back at me in the process.

And for some reason when he said that

It hurt


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