Chapter Five

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By the end of the movie Stiles ended up on the floor while Derek was still on his bed. Once the credits hit the screen, Stiles looked up at Derek while he looked down at him. Derek stood up and walked over to his desk to get a drink from his waterbottle while talking to Stiles, Stiles noticed he was hard from watching the movie and being around Derek didn't really help the situation.

"So what did you wanna talk to me about?" Derek said before stretching up to take a sip of his drink, Stiles scanned his eyes all over Derek's body, and realized his crouch has grew in size. "Uhh... I don't remember" Stiles confesses and smirks at Derek when he looks at him. Once Derek is done drinking, he walks back over to his bed and sits on the side of it "I think you wanted to get to know me" Derek said in a slightly sexy tone, Stiles stood and took a seat next to Derek and he looked at him and looked down at his lips an back up to his eyes.

Stiles bites down on his bottom lip a little while watching Derek. They looked each other in the eyes and Stiles slowly leant in, their lips touched and gently collided before Derek pulled away, "What was that for?" He says with a bit of a laugh, Stiles gives a confused look "I thought you wanted me too?".. Derek bites his lip while looking down, "Shit, Derek I'm so sorry. Im.. Sorry.. I'm so.. Fuck. I'm really sorry" Stiles blurts out before leaving Derek's room.

+Two days later+

Derek was on his way to work at 10:00pm, he worked as a bar tender at 'The 700', he parked in the staff only and got out of his car, locking it behind him. All he could think about while walking into work was that kiss, he didn't think he was into guys but he can't say he didn't like it.

He walked into The 700 and around the crowd of people dancing in the middle of the room to get to the bar. Once he got to the bar, he got a cloth and wiped it down. For the next 10 minutes he was serving drinks to everyone who asked and taking the money they handed him. For a while no one wanted anything so he relaxed by leaning on the bar with his hands.

He looked up and looked around at all the dancing people and got a kick to the stomach when he seen Stiles dancing in the middle of the crowd with some guy with his forearms resting on the guys shoulders, Derek hated what he saw but couldn't seem to look away, suddenly Stiles turned around and looked at Derek, He gave him this look before walking away from the guy and walking through a door that he just couldnt resist.

Derek walked out from behind the bar and chased Stiles through the door he had walked into. He saw Stiles at the end of the short hallway "What are you doing back here?" Derek says walking closer to him, without warning Stiles walked up to Derek and aggresively kissed him, Derek could tell he was intoxicated and wasn't himself. Stiles moved his hands up Derek's shirt and onto his chest, "Stiles?" Derek said in between the kiss, Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek while still kissing him and moved them to his back and dug his fingers in a little, "Stiles? Your not yourself, Im not gunna take advantage of you" he tries in between kisses, Stiles moved his hands and lifted them up into the back of Derek's hair and tugged at it, making Derek moan slightly, and made Derek push him against a wall, hard, before pressing aggressive and breathtaking kisses to his lips.

Derek kissed all the way down to Stiles' collar bones, sucking slightly, leaving 3 second red marks on his pale skin. Stiles moved his hands down to Derek's waist and lifted his shirt, he dragged his hands down a little and undone Derek's jeans, Derek stopped what he was doing and looked down and watched what he was doing, Derek looked up at him and slammed their lips together while pulling Stiles closer to him.

Derek hears heals hitting the floor getting closer and closer, he stops kissing Stiles and grabs his hand and pushes him to where no one can see him, Derek does up his jeans and then a women walked in the door "What are you doing in here? Your supposed to be on your shift" She said in a slight yell, "Sorry m'am" Derek apologizes before walking past her and to the bar.

Once he got to the bar he got behind the counter where his manger followed him. "Having a job means be at your shifts, be on time, do what you are assigned to, don't wonder off whenever you feel like it and if-" Derek zoned out, out the thought of what had just accured. Once he came back to reality his manger said "Okay?" And all he could do was agree. Just as she walked away Derek noticed Stiles walking out of the door he had previously been in, all he could do was smile.

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