Chapter Ten

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Stiles steps out of the car and shuts the door behind him, "Stiles?" Derek got his attention before he could walk away "Yeah?" Stiles turned around and leant on the window that was winded down, Derek gave a face that Stiles didn't understand, "Are you sure you want them there?".

"Well Danny's gone to get Ethan so I just figured you'd want them there but why did you say that?" he questioned, "Just cause we won't be able to, ya know.. Act ourselves.." Stiles could see the concern in his eyes, he guessed it was based on the fact that Scott doesn't know about him and especially about him and Derek.

"It'll be okay" Stiles reassured him, but Derek didn't believe a word. Before Derek had time to say anything else, Stiles was already on his way up to the hotel.

Stiles walks up to room 5, Scott always got room 5 for himself and Allison, Isaac would always go with 9, there so weird. Stiles knocks on the door and Scott answers it shirtless. Stiles looked away instantly.

"Dude what are you doing? and I'm only shirtless you can look ahah" Scott says, still looking away Stiles asks "Its Derek's birthday, and I was just wondering if you wanna come to a club with me, him, Ethan and Danny to celebrate. I still gotta ask Isaac" Stiles explains.

"I'm a bit busy Stiles" Scott says, Stiles knowing he's smiling. "C,mon Scott, you only turn 18 or 19 once" Stiles said suddenly realizing he doesn't even know how old Derek is.

"Fine, but Allison's coming with us" Scott orders, "Fine just go get Isaac, We're down there when your done" Stiles says pointing down to his jeep, which Stiles let Derek drive since it is his birthday and its bigger then his camero.

Stiles runs down to the car and gets in, "Get them?" Derek asks. "Yeah, Scott's getting Isaac, an he's bringing Allison"

Derek looks out his window and over at the forest beside him. Stiles looks at him and notices there's something wrong "What?" He says concerned, Derek looks back at Stiles and deep into his eyes, "Nothing" he replies with a not at all convincing smile.

Suddenly Scott and Issac open the backseat door, Derek and Stiles both jump making them break there gaze.

"Ooooo, what's going on here", Scott says standing with the door open, holding it for Allison, while Isaac gets in the other side, Stiles didn't notice Issac getting in, "Where's Isaac?." Scott looks over at Issac and back at Stiles. Stiles looks at him and notices he doesn't seem himself, he looked out the window the moment he got in the car. Stiles looked back to Scott and Scott shakes his head signifying not to ask.

Then looks at Allison, she's smiling at Scott because he's looking at her, Stiles gets grossed out and turns back around in his seat while Derek starts the car. Scott gets in the car and Derek pulls out of the parking lot.


"How long now?" Scott complained from the back seat, "Scott, we have literally been in the car for 5 minutes" Stiles answered turning around in his seat to look at Scott with a smile.

"Ahhhhh" Scott groaned, Stiles turned back around and asked Derek "Is this party going to be dark or light inside since its day time?", "Dark, it has custom windows and doesn't let much light in, so there's always a party going on" Derek answers not taking his eyes off the road. "Well that's cool" Stiles says amused.

Derek took one last right turn and they arrived at their destination, they all got out of the car and followed Derek inside.

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