Chapter Two

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Stiles was done with the petrol so he put it down and screwed on the cap to his jeep, he started to walk over to this guy, the more steps he seemed to take the more intimidating the man became, once Stiles got to close the man looked up and saw Stiles so he flashed a smile which made Stiles jaw drop alittle at how perfect his smile was, he couldn't do it an walked straight past him an into the gas station hating himself.

He didn't want to seem awkward so he decided to buy something, the only thing that caught his eye was a ice cream in a cup, so he took it to the man serving and paid for his petrol an the ice cream. When he was done, made his way outside and had to walk through the rain to get back to his jeep. It was pouring more then before.

He walked through the rain which was cold but he wasn't phased since he loved it, the only thing that phased him was this freezing frozen thing he was holding that he didn't even want. Stiles got back to his jeep and the Guy was still there, filling his tank now. Stiles looked over at the Guy and he was looking at him, the man smirked at him and looked him up and down, he went back inside to pay for his gas and then came back out and looked at Stiles again, Stiles didnt realize he was looking and ran his hand through his hair to dry it abit but only made it stick up in all different directions.

The man still watching Stiles as he got in his car, he looked out his window at the Guy, Stiles would've sworn he saw the stranger bite his lip before getting in his camero.

Stiles started the car and pulled out of the gas station and made his way to his destination.

He pulled into the parking lot and saw Scott and Isaac sitting on the front steps waiting for him. He parked the car and got out with his shitty ice cream, Scott running towards him with Isaac walking behind him. Scott ran at Stiles and into a bro hug. Isaac didn't hug Stiles, just said "Hi" and stole his ice cream with a innocent smile. "Dude your room is a few doors down from ours" Scott said happily, "Ours?" Stiles questioned. Scott looked confused for a minute an responded "Me and Isaac are in the same room, your sharing with some dude named Danny.. Oh there he is" Scott pointed over to a man walking across the parking lot with at least 2 or 3 boxes on top of each other in his hands.

Isaac look back at Stiles while he was staring. "Like what you see?" He joked, "No, wha-, why would I like what I see- I'm not gay, but he is attractive, I mean handsome, I mean-" Scott caught me before Stiles could make a bigger fool of himself "Stiles chill out he's only joking, now help me bring your stuff up to your room" Stiles opened his backseat door and lifted a few boxes an handed some to Scott an then to Isaac, they waited until Stiles got some of his boxes and they all walked to the front double doors an through them where Scott started explaining where everything was "To your right is the gym, and down these steps is the enrollment table" Stiles walked to the enrollment table an enrolled himself.

Isaac was silent for most of the time he was with Stiles and Scott, he didn't really know why but he felt off. The women standing behind the table told Stiles everything he needed to know and also told him his room number before they all made there upstairs to his room. Stiles opened his door and seen Danny putting up his posters, we all put the boxes on the floor around my bed, he turned around an seen Stiles. "Hey, you must be Stiles, I'm Danny" Stiles smiled and looked at his posters "Nice posters" "Thanks dude."

There was a silence.. Stiles felt awkward so he asked Scott if he could see their room, they both agreed and Stiles shut the door behind him as he walked out. They walked down the hall an into their room, immediately when Stiles got in the room he flopped his body down on one of the beds, not caring who's bed it was. "Comfy?" Scott said with a smirk. Stiles noticed there PlayStation was set up an on. "Oh hell yeah!" He said before rolling off the bed an onto the floor to play the game.

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