Chapter Four

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"What? What do you mean?" Stiles questioned knowing full well what he meant. "She was supposed to be here seeing me do this Stiles, seeing me grow up into someone she would be proud of, she's gone.. my mothers gone" Stiles was speechless but gathered enough to say "Let's go into your room and we'll talk" "Scott is in there with Allison" Issac explained "Alright, my room then, come on" Stiles grabbed his arm gently and guided his numb body to his room.

Hey guys, something's happened. Could Isaac and I have the room to ourselves, please?" Danny and Derek looked between eachother. "Sure" Danny said instantly while dropping his controller. Derek dropping his as well as Danny led him outside with him. Derek pulled the door behind him and looked at Stiles, Stiles looked back as he shut the door.

Isaac sat down on Stiles' bed, near his pillow and started crying. "Do you wanna talk about it?.." , "She's been sick for a while now. I sat by her side everyday for the past 6 months. Her eyes would always light up when she seen me sitting next to her bed, Stiles. She always held my hand and told me she was going to be okay. I can't do this without her." Stiles pulled him into his arms and cradled him as he cried harder than he ever has before. Stiles didn't know how to help, but he was doing what he could.

"Isaac, I'm so sorry."


Isaac was still laying in Stiles' arms. With tear stained cheeks and his eyes shut. He wasn't asleep, he just didn't want to hold them open any longer. "Thank you, Stiles." Isaac said tiredly. "For what?" He questioned, "For being here." , "It's okay".

The door opened, Stiles and Isaac looked up and seen that Derek had walked in, then apologized. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you would have been done. I'll go. " , "Oh, no. It's okay. I'll be okay, you can stay." Isaac says. He looks at Stiles, that has a worried face expression. "I'll be okay, Stiles. I promise." Isaac stands up and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him, leaving Stiles and Derek alone.

Derek watched Isaac walk out and looked at Stiles. "Is he gunna be okay?" , "No, probably not.." Stiles says, unsurely as Derek nods. "So, did you pick your classes?" Stiles freaked, "Arh, hell! No! I forgot once I saw Issac. I guess I'll talk to you later?" , "Yeah, sure." Derek answered in an understanding tone.


Stiles P.O.V

Why did I have to say that? If I just said 'yes I did', I could've spent more time with him. Why have I gotta be so shy! ARH!!

I was going down the steps to pick my classes, when I seen Isaac having Erica pinned up against the wall while he was kissing her and her neck on the steps. It made me stop walking for a second, but I think that was mainly because I've never done anything like that before.. It kinda bugs me that I've been single my whole life. Looking at them made me think of Derek for some reason? It kinda turned me on, but that'll just be our little secret. Shhhhh

I got to the desk where you choose your subjects.

Biology, History and Behaviour Analysis is what I had chosen as mine. I looked over and seen Derek's list sitting next to the man behind the desk. He had chosen Furniture Design, Self Defense and Wood And Metal Work.

It kinda bummed me out seeing that he wasn't in any of my classes because honestly, I would like to know him a little better. I like how everyone gets the first week to get to know the grounds and to settle in before our classes start, It's comforting.

I don't know what it was about Derek, he just sparked my interest. Throughout the day, I decided to walk around the grounds some more just so I know where I was going for the rest of the year.


Derek P.O.V

Danny wanted to go meet everyone on campus, but I wasn't feeling up to it. Instead, I just stayed in my room and watched a movie. I had the room to myself since everyone else had somewhere to stay. I decided to put on Magic Mike XXL. It was halfway through the movie when Stiles opened my door. "Ya know, since we haven't had the time to get to know each other, I figured now would be a good ti- IS THAT MAGIC MIKE?? Fuck yeah, watching it!" Stiles runs towards Derek's bed and throws this body on it. Not caring if Derek was comfortable, Derek shifted his body and moved to lean his back against his bed head while Stiles was at the end of his bed legs crossed, watching the movie.

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