Chapter Thirty

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Stiles awoke from the sound of a notification on his phone. He sat up slowly so he didn't wake up Derek and looked at his phone.

~Hey, I was talking to the principal about what will happen next for Derek and he said that all of his and anyone that's close to him's classes are cancelled until further notice. He mentioned that if Derek has a job to notify his manager about what happened if he's unable to work, I just thought you should know. I hope he's okay-Scott-RECEIVED~

~Hey Scott, thank you for that, he's doing alright. He's back at campus but he's still abit off, I'll keep you updated-Stiles-SENT~

Stiles glanced at Derek and could see how deep in sleep he was but he had to get up and see his teachers to notify them that he won't be attending classes. He slowly pivoted and slid off the bed. Derek shifted "please don't wake up please don't wake up" He thought to himself. Derek didn't move, an Stiles exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding, got changed and continued to make his way to the office.

Once he got to the office there was no one at the desk, he rang the little bell they had on the table to notify the reception staff that someone was waiting. He waited for a few minutes, looking around impatiently. He saw Braeden talking with Lydia outside at one of the tables. He turned his attention back on reception when he heard a voice greeting him.

After he was done with talking to the lovely lady at reception he made his way over to Braeden and Lydia. "Hi" He said, "Stiles, hey, how's Derek doing?" Braeden asked politely, "He's good, better than I thought he'd be" He smiles "Why haven't you come to see him? I'm sure he'd love to see you" Stiles asked reassuringly "I was going to, but I thought I'd just give him some time, ya know?" , "Yeah I understand that" Stiles agreed looking into the distance to see Scott sitting on a bench deep in thought.

"Hey um.. by any chance do you know what happened between Isaac and Scott?" He asked Braeden, causing her to look at Scott as well. "Yeah, Lydia told me" Braeden said smiling towards Lydia. Stiles looked at her. "What?" Lydia said innocently, "How do you know?" Stiles asked, curiosity lacing his voice. "Well Jackson told Boyd, Boyd told Malia and Malia told Kira and Kira told me" She said smiling. "How does Jackson know?" Stiles asked, "His room was right next to theirs.." She replied with a grin. "How many people know?" He asked, worried. "Don't worry, I've talked to all of them and they all agreed they'd keep it to themselves" She reassured. "Okay..thank you" is all Stiles could manage. He couldn't imagine what would happen if the whole school knew. I mean he could.. but it was an ugly thought.

"Braeden would you mind talking to Scott for me? He's alittle confused about the whole Isaac thing and I know you're good at comforting people.." Lydia chuckled "Shut up" She says shoving Lydia playfully "Yeah, sure" She responded. She stood from the table and looked over to Lydia "I'll see you later" she said and kissed her on the forehead. She left after that, making her way over to Scott. "Aren't you wondering why Braeden and I are here?" Lydia asks. "I was actually" Stiles stated. "Braeden and I are in transition to go here" She said with a smile. Stiles looked confused causing Lydia to explain further. "She asked to get transferred here instead of traveling across town to her campus since she lived off-site and luckily they have the classes she was taking so it was an easy transfer, I on the other hand am a straight A student and got to graduate early" She stated.

"What subjects did you pick" Stiles asked, "Mathematics obvi, Biology and Law" She says proudly. "We have Biology together" Stiles says enthusiastically.


"Hey, can I sit?" Braeden asks, "Sure" Scott responds. "Are you okay?" She asks empathetically. "Yeah" He says. "What's wrong?" She asks. "Nothing" He muttered, "Don't do that" She snaps. "Do what?" "Lie to me, what's bothering you?" She asks  He doesn't say anything, he only looks at her and looks away shaking his head. "I know we don't know each other very well but you should know that I don't go away that easily" She states. Scott sighed and there was a silence for maybe a minute or two before another word was finally spoken. "It's Isaac" He says quietly. "What about him?" She asks, "I slept with him.. I thought it was a drunken mistake but I don't feels weird" He says in a defeated tone. "When you look at him how do you feel?.." She asks, no response. "Do you find yourself wanting to be near him?" She asks, no response. "Do you think that you two would be so bad? He's great" She says, no response. "I know he doesn't regret it, I've heard him talk to Stiles and I know you aren't 100% about Derek and Stiles either but they're happy, and even I didn't think Derek would end up with someone like Stiles but here we are, liking or loving a man isn't the worse thing in the world" She said as she pat his knee and walked away.

Scott liked that she stayed, it was a small gesture but he appreciated it.

Scott had seen Isaac around after talking with Braeden but wouldn't say anything. He was walking down the corridor one day when he saw his room. He hadn't stayed in his room much because he didn't know if Isaac was staying there. He spent most of his time falling asleep in the study area on a bean bag.

He decided that he wanted to talk to Isaac and figure what the hell is happening.. when he gets a message on his phone.

~I've scheduled for all of us to go camping, the principal is aware and is writing up the paperwork for our absence, no if's, an's or buts-Braeden-RECEIVED~


It was midnight when Derek's eyes fluttered open, blindly searching next to him for the warm of his Stiles. A creek outside his door gathered his attention and his eyes drew to the doorway. A loud knock startled him, he didn't move, another knock only louder began to run his blood cold as it pounded on the wood. He stared intensely..

The knocking stopped, a void of silence filling the room. The door handle turned as the door slowly creeked open, a black abyss swallowing the corridor outside. He sat there petrified, frozen. Suddenly a man pushed open the door, the loud bang rang his ears as the door hit his dresser. Enraged he pulled out a knife and ran towards Derek.


Daylight was lathering the room when Derek's eyes met Stiles' in the doorway, He was in his own jeans but Derek's shirt, it was huge on him but somehow he made it work. Derek then remembered that he had fallen asleep with Stiles next to him that night "I think you were having a nightmare" Stiles stated. But nightmares don't have you sitting upright he thought. "Yeah I guess so" He said in response. He rubbed his eyes and looked back at Stiles, "You're dressed?" He said in confusion. "I wanted to sort out my classes and Lydia wanted me to help her pick out stuff for the camping trip" He says happily, feeling included.

"In my shirt?" Derek asks, looking at him with a grin. Stiles looks down and stretches it out and says "Well I didn't have any shirts here but I had pants.." He mumbled. "Why do you have pants here? I don't recall taking them off you" Derek said teasingly. "I may have put some of my clothes in here while you were at class" he said innocently. Derek scoffed but he thought it was adorable. "So we're going on a camping trip? Derek asks "Yep" Stiles says excitedly. "Why am I only just hearing about this?" He wondered "It's just last minute and you were sleeping, you got a text" Stiles smiles.

"This is alot of stuff" Derek says as Stiles shows him the list of things they need. "That's why I'm helping" Stiles says eagerly. "I'll come too" Derek states climbing out of bed. "You don't have to Derek" He says in response, russling through his dresser Derek could clearly hear that he didn't want him to hurt himself but he wanted to come. Any chance to get out of the campus.

Derek stepped away from his draw and took a few steps over to Stiles, holding his clothes in one hand. "I want to" he says before kissing his head and walking into the bathroom.

"YOU COULD'VE GOT DRESSED OUT HERE!!" Stiles yells as the bathroom door closes. Derek didn't say anything...Well that's unfortunate.. he thought to himself.

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