Chapter Seventeen

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I pulled up at the party, the first thing I saw was Stiles' jeep. Which is not hard to miss, a big bright blue thing.

Stiles was inside thinking about why Jackson decided to throw a party at his parents house when they're out of town when he's in college and has the whole campus.


Derek parked his car an made his way inside, Lydia (Jacksons Girlfriend) handing him a drink as he did so.

Derek looked around for Stiles and saw him talking to a guy with short hair, green eyes and a slightly more musculine body type then Stiles. Derek made his way over to Stiles and this guy.

"Derek" Stiles said, "Hey, who's this?" He responded bluntly, "This is-" Stiles was cut off, "I'm Matt" the so called 'Matt' responded. Derek took a step forward an got up in his face an stared him down for being disrespectful an cutting off Stiles. Stiles watched for a minute and could see Derek was getting a little heated.

Stiles grabbed Derek's bicep and pulled him away a little while saying "Come on, Let's go talk", Derek followed him, alert of any sudden moves this 'Matt' might take. Stiles had brought him all the way up to Jacksons room, they could tell it was his room because it was completely empty other then his bed frame an some empty draws that were scattered on the floor in one corner.

Without warning Stiles sat on the carpet, confusing Derek whiles doing it. "So you wanna explain why you've been dodging me?" Stiles says before laying down on his back, Derek following not long after him "Yeah, um. I thought that maybe if I wasn't, I don't know. To close I guess, then you wouldn't have this drama with your dad and you wouldn't have to hide from Scott or anything and I just thought it was better for you if I stayed away from you, so you can live your life with no secrets, but I don't want to leave, I want to be the reason you wake up smiling every morning, I want to be with you"

Stiles rolled over onto his side "Then stay" Derek looked over at Stiles who was looking him in the eyes, Derek sat up slightly, lean't down slowly and placed a gentle but meaningful kiss on Stiles' lips.

Before they knew it the moment was ruined by someone walking into the room.

"Stiles, I found you, I was looking for you", Stiles and Derek both looked, Matt looking back. Unexpectedly Derek stands and gets up in his face once more. "What the fuck is it with you and my boyfriend, huh!?" Stiles stands "Derek its fine, calm down" "No its not fine!" Derek yells staring down Matt. "Woah, dude, chill, I just wanted to see if Stiles would- wait, boyfriend!?" Matt said, with confusion laced all over his face.

"Just go Matt, we have a lot to talk about". "That's for damn sure" Matt replied, "I'm sorry, is there a problem" Derek says curious, "No" Matt answers bluntly, "Good because we could discuss this outside if you'd like" Derek says staring him down, "Why do you think your so tough" said Matt, "Why don't you test me" Derek says taking a few steps forward. Stiles walks in between them, pushing Derek back so he has some room "Alright, Matt.. I'm with Derek yes but what did you want to ask, and Derek.. you, me, in my dorm room. I'll meet you there"

Derek doesn't like the idea of leaving Stiles alone with this person, but he couldn't deny Stiles' wishes. So he left, leaving Stiles and Matt standing in the tension filled room together.

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