Chapter Thirty-Two

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For the rest of the camping trip everything was good, everyone was talking, joking, even laughing. Everyone assumed Scott and Isaac made up giving the fact that they would sit next to each other willingly and could openly laugh next to one another. It was good, and it was good for Derek, he didn't realise how much he needed time away, he knew that things were starting to get to him but he felt good, he felt alive.

It's been 2 weeks since the camping trip and everyone seemed okay. Lydia and Braeden got a two bedroom flat, Isaac and Scott went back to being roommate's, Stiles is proud of what he accomplished in the tent and Derek isn't having anymore nightmares. Everything is good.

It was late when Stiles got back to campus after looking at Braeden and Lydia's new apartment, he went alone, as every one of his friends had already seen it. He was walking down the hallway when a shadow made him look up.

"Ehh, what do you want?" Stiles groaned, Matt smiled at him "Nice to see you too, Danny wanted me to talk to you" Stiles fiddled with his keys and continued to make his way into his room with Matt following along behind. "Why didn't he come himself?" Stiles asks, "He doesn't know where he stands with everyone"
Matt explained.

"So why are YOU here?" Stiles asks. "We became close after you and your friends ditched him" He stated. "We didn't di-" he sighed. "-Get him to come here and we'll talk, in the meantime you can fuck off out of my room so I can relax" Stiles says with a smile.

Matt smirked and left his room. In all honestly Matt wasn't a bad guy, he just says the wrong things at the wrong time. A few hours later there was a knock on the door. "Come in" Stiles yells from the comfort of his computer chair. "Hey.." Danny says. "Hey" Stiles saying spinning around "Okay, lets get one thing straight, I don't hate you anymore. Honestly I couldn't care less, but I don't know how everyone else feels about what you did so you're gunna have to talk to them" Stiles says bluntly. Danny nods. "You're welcome to take your bed back if you want" Stiles says gesturing his head towards the bed. Danny smiles "Thank you" he says. "Don't thank me yet, I'm going to bed" Stiles says before standing up and crawling under his blanket without saying another word.

The next morning Stiles woke up to the sound of a message on his phone, it was his mum saying that him and Derek are coming over tonight for dinner. Stiles froze, unable to gather his thoughts. He needed help. He got up, changed his clothes and left his room without waking Danny. He needed to talk to Lydia, she knew everything, so he got in his car and drove to her apartment.

He knocked frantically, "Jesus, WHAT?" Braeden says answering the door. "Oh, hi Stiles" She says, now calm. Stiles rushes past her, "Come in" she says sarcastically. "Where's Lydia?" He asks. "She's upstairs, what's wrong?", "I need her help" he responds frantically. "Okay, okay, LYDIA!" She yells. "Yes?" Lydia says walking out of one of the rooms and leaning on the railing exposed to the upstairs. "Stiles? hi" She says making her way down the stairs.

The next thing Stiles knows, he's on their couch and Scott is there and they've figured out a plan. "Okay, can we go over it again?" Stiles asks, "You and Derek will go to dinner as planned, you will arrive early to give me and Scott time to explain things to your parents and after that, you'll have dinner" She says confidently, "That's a terrible plan" Stiles yells nervously.

"It'll be fine, your family knows me, I wouldn't lie to them, they know that" Scott says. Stiles sighs in defeat, "Whatever, be sure to bury my corpse when you're done" Scott, Braeden and Lydia smiled to each other. "Now go get ready, we have a long drive ahead of us" Lydia stated.

Stiles left and filled Derek in on what was happening before going back to his room to get ready. Derek was excited but nervous of course, he saw how Stiles' dad reacted when he saw them together and he didn't want to make things worse by going to his house but his mother insisted.. He wanted to meet Stiles' family but how can he make a good impression on someone that already hates him.

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