Chapter Twenty-Six

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A few minutes go by and Braeden walks in, scanning the room. Locking eyes with Derek, he stands and she walks towards their table, meeting half way they hug.

Stiles isn't phased, still sucking down his milkshake. Derek puts his hand out, to give way to the table and she stands next to the table, "Hello there Stiles" she smirks watching him drink as much as he could, she started thinking about how Stiles reminded her of a snake, and their massive throats and how it opens when it swallows its pray.

Derek slid into the booth while she talked to Stiles. Loving how well they're getting along. Braeden took a seat next to Derek without breaking conversation with Stiles. She's a real conversationalist that one. Without warning Braedens eye contact left Stiles, eyes locked on whatever was outside through the window next to us and back at Stiles "Um, could you hold on just a minute?" She asks nicely. "Yeah, sure" Stiles says in return.

Braeden stands up and quickly walks out of the diner and out to the parking lot. Stiles and Derek watching her the whole way. They look around to see what she's watching towards and see Jackson and Lydia getting out of their car. "Cat fight" Stiles says more as a question than anything else. We watched, Derek standing as Braeden gets closer. Derek and Stiles feeling the tension. Braeden walks up and grabs Lydia, and kisses her.

"What the fuck?" Stiles and Derek say at the same time. Lydia melts into the kiss, and kisses her back. "Aren't Jackson and Lydia together?" Derek asks. Stiles shrugs. Jackson, Braeden and Lydia walked in and over to their table. "Hey guys" Lydia says, Derek still standing he says hi back. there's an awkward silence. "Well um, I got to go so I'll just get my coffee and be on my way, see you at dinner, 6 o'clock?" Jackson says meant for Lydia, she nods, he kisses her cheek, "Cya" he says to the group, turns around and gets his coffee before leaving.

"Take a seat" Derek says putting a hand out to guide them to either side of the booth, Lydia got in next to Derek and Braeden? next to Stiles. "So Lydia, I thought you were with Jackson" Stiles says without thinking, "Yeah argh" she looked nervous. "Me and Lydia met during a holiday in Rio, she was there with Jackson but we had a summer romance, and eventually she told him about it and he agreed to just stay friends and that there were no hard feelings, and just before I seen her outside and I couldn't believe my eyes, so I invited her to our table, I hope that's alright" Braden explains.

"Yeah it's fine" Derek responds with a positive tone, "Would you two like anything? some food? A milkshake?" Derek looks at the two, "A milkshake will be good" Lydia says, Derek looking to Braden and she nods as if to agree, "Flavours?" He asks. "Vanilla for me" "Chocolate"... "Vanilla and Chocolate milkshakes coming up" Derek stands and walks over to the counter.

"So Stiles, tell me a little bit about yourself, what your childhood was like, who your best friends are.." Braeden asks making him a tad uncomfortable, "What are you gonna do? Are you gonna stalk me? Kill me? Follow me and drain my body of all its fluids and drink them?" he says sarcastically but worryingly.

Braeden gives a *WTF* look to Lydia and she looked amused, "Nah, um, I have two best friends in which I grew up with, Scott and Isaac, my childhood was mainly based around them considering my dad wasn't home alot" he looked at braeden, she gave a questioning look. "He's a police officer, well.. He's the sheriff"

"Well that must be great having someone to look up to as amazing as that" Lydia says proudly. "Yeah.." Un proudly, Stiles agrees. it's not because he wasn't proud, or didn't look up to his father, but talking about it reminded him of how mad he looked when he found out about him.. And that, hurt.

Derek returns, "Here you go ladies, one vanilla milkshake for the beautiful young lady, and a chocolate for the warthog" he jokes. "Hey!" She says punching him in the side of the arm, they all laughed. Derek sat back down, and they talked. They talked about their lives, their memories, their goals and their past loves. Stiles actually asked if Braeden and Derek used to be a thing and they all just laughed. Thinking on how gross and unnatural that is. As the day went on, day turned into night, and night turned into day, they sat there for hours and hours just talking.

"We should probably get going" Derek says looking between the group but based to Stiles. "Come on Der, you just got here" Braeden whines, "Der?" Stiles asks, "That's what I used to call him growing up" Stiles and Braeden look at Derek and he rolls his eyes. "Yeah, okay lets go" Braeden stands up and lets Stiles out. "Lydia? Do you need a ride I saw Jackson dropped you off, so?" Braeden asked her. "Yeah, sure" she accepted. They were all standing and all walked out of the Diner together, they said their goodbyes and Derek hugged Braeden. Then they went their separate ways, Derek and Stiles had a massive hike l giving how far away they parked, which they were regretting now.

"That was fun" Stiles says looking at Derek, "Yeah, it was" He agreed. "Braeden really likes you" He stated grabbing Stiles' hand in his. "Well obviously I'm awesome" Stiles said sarcastically. Derek stopped and quickly stepped in from of Stiles, hands on his neck and pulled him into a kiss. It was quick but breathtaking, "Woah" Stiles whispered when their lips separated, "What was that for" he asked, "You're just, you're amazing" he admitted looking into his eyes and down to his lips, Stiles smiled and leant forward and kissed him again. Loving how his lips felt on his.

After their kiss they start walking again, within minutes they reach Derek's car, get in and drive back to campus.

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