Chapter Fourteen

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"Stiles?... STILES!?" Derek yells getting up tripping on the mess he had created while rushing over towards him. "Stiles let me explain I-" Derek goes on. Before being cut off by Stiles lips crashing into his.

Derek is shocked at first but then relaxes into it making him wrap his arms around his waist, pulling him closer. Stiles gently pulls away, "Stiles.. I?" He tries. "Shh, please just, let me speak" Stiles says putting his fingers over Derek's lips. Making him look down at Stiles hand an back up into his eyes.

"I was on my bed thinking, and I must've crashed because I remember waking up. I heard a noise coming from behind me so I rolled over and saw Danny and Ethan cuddled up on a beanbag kissing and whispering to each other, without them knowing, I layed there watching them. I saw how they looked at each other, how they smiled and the way they kissed and it made me think... It made me think of you, I can't lose one of the most important people in my life because I over think. Im sorry Derek. I'm so sorry I over reacted"

Derek could see the pain and regret in his eyes, he pulled him into a tight embrace "You don't need to apologize, you done nothing wrong. Im sorry I kissed her back.. Your all I want, all I need Stiles" Derek said making Stiles let him go.

Stiles looked around the room, at the hole covered walls "Come back to my room, mine's a little cleaner then yours" Stiles looked up with an amused smile on his face, Derek smiled and Stiles took his hand an walked him into his room closing the door behind them.

Derek sat down on Stiles bed, Stiles turned around to face him, he looked down at his hands rested on his knees, "I'm so sorry Stiles" Derek says while running a hand threw his hair. Stiles walks over to him, and gently puts his hand on Derek's chin, tilting it up kissing him on the forehead. Stiles took a seat next to Derek, they started talking.. Not about anything important, just things that were important to them individually, Stiles started rambling on about how he has a pet gold fish but its living with his parents because he thinks he'd kill it, and Derek starts talking about his sisters and how they used to run into his room every morning and how he misses having no space because of them.


Spooning, Stiles wriggled around causing Derek to groan in discomfort "Stiles seriously, stop moving" Derek mumbled tiredly. "Oi, Its not my fault I can't get comfortable" Stiles argued, "Oh my god, come here" Derek says while rolling Stiles onto his back, looking at him "comfortable now?" Derek questioned

Stiles looked up at him ".... No I'm not comfortable De(oh my god Stiles)rek.." Stiles chuckles making Derek smile at him, Stiles pulls him down into a kiss.. They pulled apart an Derek looked at Stiles, looking at all of his features, memorized by his beauty, "What?" Stiles asked. "Nothing" Derek said in an almost whisper while flickering his eyes between Stiles eyes an lips, he leant down and placed a kiss so passionately on his lips, Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek's neck, both feeling their smiles in between kisses.

Without warning Stiles door opened, they both froze. "Stiles!?"


Derek watched as Stiles' dad walked away with Stiles tumbling out of bed trying to chase him. In a matter of seconds Stiles disappeared out the door an down the hall, with his father not far in front.

A/N I'm sorry these chapters are so short the notepad in which I wrote them on has a limit to how much I can write and I'm posting them by the chapter I've named them. They'd be a lot longer if I didnt have this problem.

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