Chapter Twenty

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"What the fuck!?" I say, in shock of what I'm seeing. "Go on, explain it to them!" Derek says, Danny lets out a breath and looks to his feet in shame before looking up into the eyes, "I had sex with Allison" He said. Anger fills within me, I punch Danny, I punch him over and over again until he's spiting up blood with a broken nose before Derek and Isaac pull me away from him.

I keep going, yelling, getting out of their grip. Isaac gives up so Derek pulls me back on more time, throwing me over his shoulder, "LET ME GO!" "FUCK YOU DANNY!!" "ROT IN HELL YOU WORTHLESS PRICK!!!" Derek throws me in my Jeep in the passenger seat, shutting the door and walking back over to Danny, walking straight past him to Danny's car and grabs Allison's clothes, he walks over to Allison, he puts his hand out. She takes it and He walks her over to his Camaro opening the door for her and shutting it behind her.

He talks to Isaac and hands him his keys. Isaac then gets in Derek's car with Alison and drives away. Danny still spitting out blood on the ground, Derek came over and picked him up, Danny hesitating, he picked him up lifting him up and placing him in his front seat and says "Don't drive until your able" and walks away and gets in the car with me and starts the engine, driving away.

I didn't say a word the whole ride, neither did Derek, but once we pull up at our College he puts the car in park and turns off the engine. He gets out walking around to my side and opens the door for me, I turn in my seat still sitting and keep my head down. He moves closer to me, puts his hand on my chin lifting my head and get gives me a gentle yet passionate kiss. our lips separate and he looks in my eyes and we rest our foreheads together he closes his eyes and I grow a hint of a smile upon my face. He always knows how to calm me.

He pulls away and takes a step back putting his hand out, I take his hand and get out of my Jeep, he shuts the door behind me and we walk up to his room.

When we get there he makes me sit on his bed and he kisses me again while he stands, he walks over to his draw leaning on it with his back and his palms and says "I have to go work soon" I question in my head why he led me to his room if he's got work. "Oh... Okay I guess I'll go then" I stand. "Stiles I'm not letting you out of my sight" I form a small smile and walk over to him and place my hands on his stomach and said "Your amazing, you know that.. I don't deserve you" I look down where my hands are rested. He smiles and moves his hands to around my waist an says "Yes you do" I look up at him and he puts a hand on my check looking deep into my eyes and leans down and kisses me.


Derek P.O.V

There was still a hint of blood in my mouth when I kissed Stiles but I didn't care, I don't think he did either.

+15 to 20 minutes pass+

I walked out of the bathroom fully ready for work when I notice the way Stiles is looking at me. His eyes glued to my chest and his mouth hanging slightly open. "You really like this look on me don't you" I say with a slight smirk. His eyes shot up surprised by my words, "As a matter of fact.. Yes.. Yes I do" at the end of his sentence glacing at my appearance one last time before looking away and smiling to himself. Fuck he's adorable. "Come on, we gotta go" I said and he stands, we made our way to his Jeep and drive to work.

We pulled up in the parking lot, me noticing my camaro parked. I'm glad Isaac listened to me.. We parked, and both went inside. When we walked in we both went straight to the bar, me seeing Erica and Allison sitting down at a table behind Stiles, he didn't see them.

I looked at Stiles and could sense he was frustrated, so I poured him a drink.. He looked at me, "it's on me" I said. With no response he drank his drink. After a few drinks in Stiles started rambling on. "Fuck, you're gorgeous" "Do you think Dogs understand english and pretend not to?" "I love Scott and Isaac, they are amazing" then he said something that stunned me.

"You'd think everyone would've noticed that Scott and Isaac are gay for each other, I mean it's pretty obvious when they eye fuck every time they're together, ya know. I can't believe they had sex like oh my god"

"Scott and Isaac are gay and slept together?" I was shocked, so many things were running through my mind.

"Ohhh.." Stiles said and I could tell he accidently slipped and wasn't supposed to say that.

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