Chapter Eight

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Stiles P.O.V

Walking down the corridor with Derek Hale's arms wrapped around my waist was honestly the most calming thing. With my head rested on his chest and his head slightly bent down to lean his on top of mine. I felt so appreciated.. Once we got to the flight of stairs, Derek didn't let me go and I tripped a little and we nearly fell but Derek's musclulan arms being wrapped around me stopped my fall, and kept us stable, which ended in both of us laughing at me.

Once we got to my class room, he let me go, I turned around to him and he asked me "How long does your class go for?"  "About half an hour" I responded with a smile. "Okay." He smiled, leaning down to kiss me.


When Derek heard Scott in the distance. He looked to his side and seen Scott walking his way while focusing on Issac, Danny and Ethan. Derek quickly grabs Stiles' shirt and pushed him into the nearest supply closet and pulled the door nearly shut behind him.

"What are you doing?" Stiles said in shock, "Shhhh" Derek said looking out the crack of the door, Scott was walking past when Stiles opened his mouth again "You know you can't just-" Stiles was cut off by Derek turning around and pushing him up against the wall behind him, while putting his hand over Stiles' mouth.. After Scott had gone past, Derek looked down at Stiles, him looking up at him and down to his lips, Derek blinked and slowly moved his hand, dragging him thumb so he grazed it across Stiles' bottom lip, he grabbed at Dereks shirt and he slowly leant down and placed a gentle but passionate kiss on his lips.

They parted and Stiles smiled and then looked down to his hands holding Derek's shirt, not realizing he grabbed it in the first place, making Derek quickly kiss him on the cheek to make him smile some more.

Stiles smiled, probably more then he should've and grabbed the back of Derek's neck and pulled his lips into his one last time before pulling away, smiling at each other. Stiles walks over to the door, opens it and looks for Scott, when he is nowhere to be found, they both walk out so sus that even a stranger would question it.

Stiles turns around towards Derek looking around a second time to make sure they weren't visible to Scott before giving him a quick kiss.

Stiles smiles at Derek making him smile back and Stiles was off to class, Derek stood there for a second after he left thinking about Stiles and how amazing he is. It kinda bugged him a little that he wouldn't tell Scott though, but that didn't stop his thoughts about Stiles from forming in his mind.

Derek walked back to his room and laid his stomach down on his bed, falling asleep instantly.

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