Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Can I enter the realm of handsomeness" Stiles joked as he stood at the door. "Get in here ya dork" Derek laughs in response. Stiles runs in and gets on the bed with Derek, he wraps an arm around Stiles and kisses him on the head while they look through a crappy magazine.


A doctor walks in and introduces himself and tells Derek everything that happened. At the end of explaining everything the doctor asks "So, do you have any questions?".

"Just one, when can I leave?" Derek asked, eager to get away from the dreadful hospital smells. "Well it says here on your chart that you only woke up from your surgery today, but you're having a speedy recovery, your body is healing quite nicely. If you stay at the rate you're going I'd say maybe in 2 days tops" The doctor explains.

"Thanks" Derek says. The doctor nods and leaves the room. "Phew" Derek says. "What?" Stiles asks, "I thought I was dying"

Stiles elbows him in the ribs gently "That's not funny" he says while they both smile and laugh. "I know, I'm sorry" Derek says while smiling and kissing his head again.


"That's my phone" Stiles says while moving around to get it out of his jeans pocket.

~Hey Stiles, your mum's here looking for you, I told her to go to the hospital but she wanted to stay in your room so get your ass down here! -Isaac-RECEIVED~

"I gotta go" Stiles says, "Is everything alright?" Derek asks while Stiles climbs off the bed "Yeah" he says with a smile. "I'll be back after I go and sort this out... Don't go anywhere.." Derek pulls a face. "..You know what I mean" Stiles says then leaning down for a kiss, which left the hairs standing up on the back of his neck.

Stiles leaves the hospital and walks to his car, opening his door he sees it again, the blood, the memory.. He pulls out his phone and dials a number.

"Hello?" A voice on the line says

"Hey, can you come and get me?" Stiles says with a lump in his throat

"I'm on my way"


Scott pulled up and got out of the car, walked over to Stiles who was next to his jeep blankly staring into the distance and gave him a hug, he notices the blood lacing Stiles' car threw the window and hugged him tighter.

"Come on, let's go" Scott said, then they got in the car and drove home.

Pulling up at the school was hard for Stiles, seen as though the last time he was there, there was a maniac with a knife roaming the halls. Scott looked over and noticed Stiles' terrified face expression "It's okay" Scott reassured him, not that it helped much.

"Has my mum spoken to you?" He asks, "No, why?" Scott questioned. "She's here.."

"Oh.. Does she know?"

"I don't know.. I guess we'll find out"

Stiles gets out of the car and looks around at the school, not at all eager to see what his mum might want.. what she hates me to? He kept thinking to himself. Scott walks over to him, "Do you want me to come with you?" He asks.

"No it's okay" Stiles says with a small smile formed on his lips, "Okay, well, let me know if you need anything" Scott says with a sympathetic smile before walking in the direction of his dorm room.

Stiles takes a deep breath and heads towards his room, a few steps later he could see his door, his heart pounding, he walks up to it. "It's okay Stiles, it'll be okay. No matter what happens, it'll be okay" he reassures himself. He takes a deep breath and lifts his hand to the door handle, turning it slightly, pushing it open letting the light from the corridor drench over his mothers face.

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