Chapter One

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Stiles' first day of college is today, he packed his clothes in a box along with all of his other things as his father made his way upstairs to help "Need a hand?" His dad requested, "Nah I should be right, I'm almost done here" Stiles insisted. His dad flashed a smile before walking back downstairs to his mother. Stiles looked out his window and smiled to himself, he loved when it rained.

Stiles sticky taped his box shut and placed it on top of the the last box remaining in his room, he lifted them both and walked downstairs, out the front and put them in the backseat of his car (Yes it's his jeep) 'You are 17 now Stiles you gotta tell them' Stiles thought to himself.

His parents walked out after him to say there goodbyes before Stiles left. His mother started to get tears in her eyes which Stiles noticed "Its okay mum" He promised while pulling her into a meaningful embrace. "I'm so proud of you" She said with so much pride it made Stiles want to never let her go. He pulled away and looked at her red eyes. "We both are" my dad added, I look at him and he smiled in a way Stiles never seen before.

Stiles dad put his hand out for a handshake as he wasn't much of a hugging person. Stiles looked down at his hand an back up to his stubborn fathers eyes and walked into him, hugging him tight, ignoring his fathers hand.

They parted, "We're gunna miss you son" his father nodded, "You guys can always visit" Stiles said invitingly. Stiles mum grabbed his hand an looked deep into Stiles brown eyes "We're going to miss you so much Stiles, we were so lucky to have such an amazing son like you" Stiles watched as a tear rolled down his mothers slightly red cheeks. He pulled her into another embrace this time with his father's arms wrapped around them both.

Stiles pulled away and looked at both of them "There's something I wanna te-" Stiles said with a hint of fear, he looked between his mother and father and got instantly terrified "Actually don't worry, it's not important". "Well, you should probably get going son, you don't wanna be late" his father pointed out.

Stiles looked at his watch and realized the time was 1:00 pm he should've been there by now. Stiles got in his car and started the engine, he hung his body out of his window a little to tell his parents how much he loves them and they both smile, Stiles starts to drive away as they both wave him off.


Stiles P.O.V

What the hell is wrong with you Stiles, you should've just told them. Like they'd care anyway.. But what if they do.. No they wouldn't, they love you. I should've just said it "Mum, Dad.. I'm gay" see how easy it is. Fucking hell.

Im not really ready for college to be honest, but I guess the upside is that Scott and Isaac will be there to help me get by.. That is when Scott's not fucking Allison and Isaac's not fucking Erica. I haven't came out of the closet yet. To anyone actually, not even Scott.

These thoughts filled my mind the whole time I was driving, until I look down and see I'm running out of petrol, I keep driving until I see the next gas station. I pull in and park my car next to the patrol machine. I step out of the car and start filling my tank. I look around and watched the rain as it picked up speed and started to pour down.


He looked around and seen A Guy with a black leather jacket, black jeans and a dark blue t-shirt walking around in the servo, he picked up 3 monster drinks, barbeque chips and 1 ice espresso coffee, he payed for his items and grabbed the bag an walked outside an into the rain, he made his way back to his car but once he got under shelter he looked at Stiles, Stiles was memorized by how hot this dude was, how sexy his wet hair looked on him. Stiles looked away and looked back a second later, the Guy opened his door and threw the bag inside before he pulled his soking wet leather jacket off his musculan shoulders and put it in the backseat, Stiles felt something come over him which made him want to talk to this Guy.

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