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A/N ok in my other one shot book I wrote a chapter called "lesbian" it was a lot of mini stories in one chapter and that's what this is gonna be but with Karen's

Freddys POV

I was with my friends in the backyard of my house throwing a football our girlfriends were on watching us in the corner

Z: Can I make out with your girlfriend

F: fuck you

We laughed

Z: so can I

F: let's see no way in hell

H: but dude she's hot

F: and mine

I said as I turned to Tomika she saw me and smiled and waved I smiled back and turned back to my friends

Tr: come on

F: seriously

H: fine give us ice cream money and we won't

F: (chuckles) no

Z&Tr&H; you son of a bitch

I rolled my eyes playfully

?: hey HEY

This lady said behind the fence she was definitely standing on a stool so we could see her head

F: umm hello is there a problem

?: yes you can not be swearing

F: umm I'm sorry what

H: theres no law

?; there are children

F: this is my yard

?: children could hear

Z: you can't make us stop swearing

?: I'm telling your parents

F: that we were talking in our backyard

?: your insane

We heard her leave

H: what the fuck

The girls walked up and kissed us

T: can we go to McDonald's

F: ok babe

She smiled and kissed me we left we saw the lady talking to my mom and dad

M: your mad...our 17 year old son was saying bad words?

She said amused and confused

?: children can hear

D: you said he was in our backyard?

?: yes

D&M: get out

?: I'm calling the cops

She left we just ignored it

Another one shot

Tomikas POV

I was in the dollar store I got some coloring books and crayons for my niece I paid and left I went to my car I took off my mask I started the car when someone knocks on the window I rolled down my window

T: umm may I help you

?: your not wearing a mask

T: I'm in my car

?: that doesn't matter we all have to wear masks

T: look I am in my car I don't have to wear it in here

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