He left me

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They never went to Malibu rescue
Ginas POV
I was home alone here's some things about me I'm 19 in college, my bestie is lizzie and I fucking hate Tyler he's my ex he took my virginity saying he "loved me" next day he walks in with another girl Dylan I think and told me things weren't working out five minutes later he's making out with her god he sucks, lizzie was out with her boyfriend eric I went to the bathroom and undressed myself and started the bath I got in and started washing myself when I hear
?: loving the view
I groan and turn to see a smirking Tyler I cover myself
T: nothing I haven't seen before
G: worst mistake of my life
T: come on let's go fuck I'm bored
G: no don't you have Dylan
T: we broke up and I need a rebound so
His eyes made their way to my chest I flipped him off
T: I've been wanting to do this for awhile
G: always wanting what you can't have
He took off his jacket I rolled my eyes
G: not happening
T: I think it is
He sat on a chair next to the bathtub he looked at me up and down
G: Tyler get the fuck out
He lifted my head so I was looking at him
T: what did I tell you to call me
He rubbed my cheek with one hand using his thumb 
G: daddy...
T: good girl
G: no
I pulled back my head facing forward
G: get out
T: but I'm loving the show to much
G: your a sick bastard you know that
T: yup
He started draining the water he picked me up bridal style and stood me up he looked at me up and down
T: dry yourself off baby
He handed me a towel ugh i hate him I dried myself off I tried to get my shirt on but he stopped me
T: you naked makes this a whole lot easier
G: were not doing it
T: that's what your saying now but..
He smirked I rolled my eyes
T: come on unzip my pants
G: no
T: you know it's gonna happen don't you wanna get it over with
I thought for a second might as well we've already done it and I'm not getting out of it
G: ugh fine
I reached for the zipper
T: use your teeth
G: Fuck no
T: remember when you didn't call me daddy
I bit my lip scared
I moaned
G: Tyler-
T: I told you to call me daddy
G: but-
T: (pushes in REALLY hard)
G: (winces in pain and moans) yes daddy
I sighed
T: I'm waiting
I got down on my knees he smirked I unzipped his pants with my teeth he took them off and then the rest of his clothes
G: Tyler I don't want to do this
T: not gonna stop me
He lifted me on top of the sink and started fucking me
T: I want you to do stuff
G: like what
He raised an eyebrow
G: daddy
He smirked, he made me give him hickeys,suck his dick and call him daddy if I didn't he would push into me really hard after he was done he pulled up his pants and underwear and put on his shirt I put on my bra and underwear
T: not bad
G: Tyler...just don't
T: I'll be back tomorrow
G: Dylan
T: like I said we broke up
G: I don't want to do this tomorrow
T: I guess if we do enough tonight I won't need anymore
G: how much
T: depends on how good you are
I smashed my lips on his and kissed him roughly I just wanted this to end I moved my body closer to his
I woke up next to him both of us naked under the covers he was still asleep I felt disgusted I should've just let him rape me again last night wasn't worth it I remembered he told me how him how to wake him up I got under the covers I started sucking his dick after a few seconds I heard a moan I immediately stopped and gagged I got back up he was smirking
G: Tyler-
He immediately got on top of me pinning my arms down he pushed into me HARD well this is one way to wake up
G: daddy
T: good
G: daddy please don't smirk
T: oh I'm gonna anyway you did everything right I'll leave you alone
G: yes
T: but you have to live with all the things I did to you and the things you did to me
He smirked I looked the other way i don't want to talk about what I did
T: bye princess
He kissed me I wanted to puke I felt disgusted he got up and got dressed he left I tried to get up but I fell to the ground goddammit I can't walk I got on my clothes and got on my bed I sighed
I walked into class Tyler sat next to me
T: why weren't you here yesterday oh wait was it cause you can't walk
G: (glares)
T: I fucked you nice didn't i
G: just shut up Tyler
I moved to the back row and the teacher started the lesson
I went out he went up to me before he could speak i walked away I can't believe that dipshit
I was on the couch of my dorm when Tyler walked in
G: I did what you said now go
T: no thanks
G: you have dylan
T: but Dylan can't kiss like you,act like you suck my dick like-
G: we get it I did that please shut up
T: so I'm back to you
G: hell no
T: why not
G: you left me you broke my heart and we're only there for my innocence I hate you I never want to talk to you again
T: but-
I got up and tried to kick him out he gripped my wrist and dragged me to my room
G: no get that in your small stupid head
T: let me fuck you
G: no
T: Gina....
I Un-zipped his pants ignoring his smirk I pulled them down
T: glad your coming to your senses
He smirked
He got off me
T: that was nice baby
G: get the fuck out of my house
I kicked him out
Tyler's POV
Ok I made a mistake Gina was the best thing that ever happened to me the other girls can't do it like her after she kicked me out I went to my dorm I can't rape her again she'll hate me I just want to call her babe again she was the best sex I ever had and the best girl I've ever had to call mine
Ginas POV
I walked into school Tyler came up to me I rolled my eyes and went to class halfway through the bottom of my shoe felt wet I looked down water was on the floor
?: everyone out
We left school was canceled for the week it was just the gym and that room that had any damage I went to my dorm I go into my room and gasp

Candles were on my nightstand someone hugged me from behind me T: princess do you like itG: Tyler?T: it's such a shame school got out early and we get this time together G: you flooded the-T: yes ma'm G: whyT: so I can do thisHe started sucking my...

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Candles were on my nightstand someone hugged me from behind me
T: princess do you like it
G: Tyler?
T: it's such a shame school got out early and we get this time together
G: you flooded the-
T: yes ma'm
G: why
T: so I can do this
He started sucking my neck I moaned he turned me around gently and kissed me he laid me down on the bed softly and started rubbing my thigh and taking off my shorts and I let him he slipped them off, once I was just in a bra and underwear and he just had his boxers on I pulled away from the kiss
G: I can't
T: why not
G: you really hurt me Tyler
T: I know but-
G: there is no but
T: i love you Gina
G: y-you never said that before
T: cause I didn't mean it before but I do know
Before I could say anything he kissed me he started playing with my bra strap he took off my underwear and threw it somewhere in the room he stared at my private part I blushed he kissed me his lips went down, I moaned and you know what we did next
We were laying next to each other I just had my bra on I was catching my breath
T: so?
G: uh huh
T: you can't talk right now can you
G: uh huh
He chuckled and kissed me
G: what now
T: we date
G: you sure your not gonna leave me again
He kissed me
T: I swear
I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips and we got dressed

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