I hate you

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Tyler's POV

I was on the bus with Eric gina came on I rolled my eyes she looked at me disgusted and sat down we've never got along

E: ok this hatred thing has to stop

G: when he stops being a dick we'll be friends

T: when she's stops being a bitch I'll tolerate her

G: you son of a bitch

T: your a worthless whore

G: and your a piece of shit

E: stop god forget I said anything

We glared at each other


We were eating lunch gina walked up I rolled my eyes

G: what are you losers talking about

T: god your annoying

G: shut up

T: make me

D: can you two go five seconds without fighting

T&G: no

They rolled their eyes

G: he's giving me a headache

She said whining

T: will you just shut the fuck up

G: burn in hell

She sat down far away from me

G&T; now I won't get infected

D&L&E: ugh

We started eating


I zipped up my pants gina was on the bed completely naked under the blankets you guessed it sex if your confused I fucking hate her but she's good in bed so I don't beat her till she's black and blue plus when we're mad it makes everything more fun in bed she watched me as I got dressed

T: I'll be back tomorrow

I said coldly she nodded her head she got up and kissed me I didn't kiss back and left


We were all on the bus me and Gina were bickering like usual

E: finally Lizzies coming on

She came on and smiled

L: Eric wanna walk to the beach

E: sure

G: your not leaving me with him

E: were leaving so we won't have to listen to you two

We scoffed they got off the bus, vooch started the bus I smashed my lips on hers we laid down on the seat and had a heated make out session vooch didn't notice to busy singing the songs on the radio we got in the parking lot of the beach

G; Tyler stop

She said against my lips

T: (mutters) fuck

G: hey here's an idea you want sex go fuck your self

T: I hate you

G; feelings mutual

T: god your hot

She kissed me again I know our relationship is weird but like I said fighting makes everything more exciting we got up and walked off after a few minutes Eric and Lizzie walked up and we went to the tower where Dylan was

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