Nerdy love

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Tomikas POV
I was with my besties Isabella and Lawrence were nerds ok it's me Tomika young her Isabella monar and Lawrence Dooley we were studying for the next test when freddy and jace skate by they they wink and me and Bella we smile blushing as they skate aaay
L: are you kidding
T: a girl can dream
I: of them in our bed
We giggled he rolled his eyes playfully we kissed his cheek on each side he chuckled I really like Larry and I mean more than a friend
Me and Bella were in the bathroom when these girls came in there's names cree Maddison summer and Elizabeth
T: oh hi
S: were gonna give you guys a makeover
I: ok?
They took us to a stall
We looked like

Tomikas POV I was with my besties Isabella and Lawrence were nerds ok it's me Tomika young her Isabella monar and Lawrence Dooley we were studying for the next test when freddy and jace skate by they they wink and me and Bella we smile blushing as...

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We faked a smile and left Lawrence's mouth dropped when he saw us we were about to go up to him but we're stopped by Freddy and jaceI: hi sorry we have to-J: wanna go out later I: meT: yeah bye lovebirdsF: wanna go outT: meJ&F: yeahI&T: sureWe wal...

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We faked a smile and left Lawrence's mouth dropped when he saw us we were about to go up to him but we're stopped by Freddy and jace
I: hi sorry we have to-
J: wanna go out later
I: me
T: yeah bye lovebirds
F: wanna go out
T: me
J&F: yeah
I&T: sure
We walked past them to Lawrence
T: Larry you like
L: love how'd you-
I: some girls gave us a makeover it's not really us tho
T: yeah
L: you guys look beautiful you don't need makeup I wanna scream you don't need it
T&I: aww
We hugged him
Lawrence's POV
They hugged me jace and Freddy glared huh they didn't notice
T: triple trollys
She pulled out a bag of one, she bit the yellow part, Bella ate the red part it's not just two now she handed me the green part I ate it we swallowed and walked to class eating more in the same order
They walked down the hall in jace and Freddys arms they smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up I smiled I love how they're putting themselves out there I just hate that they still have the makeup I want them to be themselves and of course I want tomika but she's with Freddy
I was in class no one was here yet when jace and Freddy stormed in
L: oh hey
Freddy punched me in the face pissed
L: what the hell man
F: stay away from our girlfriends
L: they're my best friends
J: I don't give a shit stay away from them or hat bloody nose will be the least of your problems
They left I went to the nurses office I left they ran up to me
T: Larry are you ok
I: let me see that
Freddy and jace growled she reached for the ice pack I slapped her hand aaay
L: stay away from em you bitch
I walked away they looked heartbroken
Tomikas POV
He left we started crying
F: babe it's ok
He hugged me but I got out of his arms and ran away same with Bella we cried in the garden we saw larry watching in the corner we ran up to him he ran away we cried more
We keep trying to talk to him he won't even look at us i was at my locker silently crying you don't see us if our eyes aren't red and puffy or there are tear stains on our cheeks
F: babe what's the matter
T: I'm sorry Freddy we're through
F: what
T: I can't think of anything but Lawrence
I walked away I see jace and Isabella her hair in French braids she walked away
Isabellas POV
I was at my locker silently crying larry walked by
I: Larry I'm sorry if I-
L: bye
I: please talk to me
He left I cried more and wiped my tears jace came by
I: I'm sorry jace we're through
J: what why
I: I'm sorry
I walked away and into the bathroom I burst out crying this time out loud mika came in we hugged and cried more we wiped off the stupid makeup and changed into different clothes this time it was
Mine ⬇️

We faked a smile and left Lawrence's mouth dropped when he saw us we were about to go up to him but we're stopped by Freddy and jaceI: hi sorry we have to-J: wanna go out later I: meT: yeah bye lovebirdsF: wanna go outT: meJ&F: yeahI&T: sureWe wal...

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Tomikas ⬇️

We walked out tears drowning our face we see Lawrence we run up but got stopped by Freddy and jace he walks outT: WAIT LAWRENCE F: forget himI: ughWe tried to leave they wouldn't let us tomika got mad she took out some trollys she ate one mad she ...

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We walked out tears drowning our face we see Lawrence we run up but got stopped by Freddy and jace he walks out
F: forget him
I: ugh
We tried to leave they wouldn't let us tomika got mad she took out some trollys she ate one mad she gave me the red part I ate it
I: want it
I held it out for jace he looked at it disgusted we got confused Larry never did that I held it out for Freddy
F: that's disgusting
We punched them in the face
I: stay the fuck away from us
T: and instead just go fuck yourself
We ran away we ate all the red and yellow parts in the bag leaving the green parts we went up to him he rolled his eyes we dropped them all down we squatted down
T: Larry please talk to us
He pulled us into a hug
L: I'm sorry
I: why did you-
L: Freddy and jace threatened me
I&T: oh hell no
We pulled away and got up pissed
T: wait
She cupped Lawrence's cheeks and kissed him she's had the biggest crush on him
I: finally
L: woah
T: I wanted to tell you I liked you but-
He kissed her
I: aww
Thy gave me the really look I looked away embarrassed and they kissed again
I: can we kill them now
T: oh yeah
We left
Lawrence's POV
I ate the green ones ignoring the screams of pain I heard and them calling out for mercy they came back mika had some blood on her socks and Isabellas hair was messy
I: this was a fun experience
L: yeah we really learned something
T: how to hide a body
We laughed

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