Thanksgiving part 2

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Babes POV
I'm seventeen now it's thanksgiving and I can't wait Tomikas parents patched things up,I became a cheerleader and people stopped trying to rape Tomika, my life is perfect except for Hudson I'm gonna get him back and then I'll be happy the door rung me and Tomika smirked I opened it and see zack and Hudson I faked a smile
Z: hey sis
B: hey Zack
I hugged him
H: hey
B: (trying to smile) hi Hudson
They walked in tomika ran up to zack into his arms he picked her up as they hugged and spun her around she gave him a peck on the lips they're dating now
B: eww tmi
T: you still can't get over the fact I'm dating him can you
They rolled their eyes he set her down
H: so-
B: Let's eat
We chuckled I remembered I hated him and stopped Tomika and Zack sat down we went to the kitchen and got our plates while my parents talked in the dining room
B: so how you been
H: good but you changed a lot your beautiful
B: thanks
H: but why did you lose weight you didn't need to
Is he seriously trying to flirt (scoffs) probably just wants me in bed
B: well people called me fat and I felt like I needed to
H: well than they're dumb
Hey at least he called himself dumb we go in the living room and see Tomika and Zack making out on the couch we gagged they pulled away and rolled their eyes playfully they got they're plates as well
M: I hate to do this but your father and I have to go
Z: for how long
D: two days
B: but Zack just got here
M: work if we do it now we have a week off that we're gonna use to visit him at college
Z: (sad) ok
M: I'm sorry honey
She kissed the top of his head
M: (whispers) use a condom
Tomika choked on her food
M: I'm kidding bye
Our dad patted him in the back they left
Z: I have no words
T: wow
H: damn....anyone else just noticing how hot his mom is
T: I know right
B&Z: eww
T&H; it's the truth
We shuddered they shrugged ok time to put my plan in action
B; Hudson can you help me with the napkins
H: sure
Tomika smirked we went to the dining room
Zacks POV
What the
T: why are you looking so weird
Z: ok I'll bite I saw the smirk what's with it
T: nothing just a little thing called karma
Z: oh no
T: babes getting back at Hudson for calling her fat last year
Z: he-
I'll give her this
Z: good for her
She smiled and kissed my cheek she went to the kitchen oh she's gonna get embarrassed yeah he called her fat but it's what he said after it that I'm betting she didn't hear (smirks)
Hudson's POV
I was getting some napkins with babe she looked so hot she looked at me with lust she kissed me I was shocked but kissed back she started playing with my hair
B: ok come on let's go back
H: k
We walked away what just happened whatever it is I'm glad it happened
We were making out on the couch I could feel myself getting hard
Babes POV
He got a boner fuck yeah I pulled away and stood up he got confused
B: hey Zack
Z: yeah?
B: are you guys going
Z: why
B: nothing I just don't want to be here with your fat friend all night
He got confused but almost immediately got it I smirked
B: boo yah bitch
H: ok whyd you do that
B: do what? Payback you called me fat
He looked down smirking Zack started smirking to, me and Tomika got confused
H: (chuckles) did you hear the rest of the conversation
B: no
Z: so you didn't hear what he said next
T: what did he say
H: well
H: dude hurry back I can't be here all night with your fat sister
Z: what
H: yo im fucking with you take your time she's so nice
Z: really
H: yeah I really like her man she's nice sweet caring smart amazing she's everything I look for in a girl
Z: no guy has said that about her before
H: why
Z: well she's a little overweight
H: who cares about that she's beautiful hey do you mind if I ask her out
Z; go ahead
H: cool
H: but you never came down and you avoided me the next morning so I never got to ask you
T: so your saying you didn't call her fat
H: no
B: so we did this for nothing
H: yeah
T: why didn't you say anything
Z: this was more fun
T: you won't be using your mothers advice from earlier
B: and your not getting rid of that boner anytime soon
H&Z: oh come on
B; guys it's not funny
T: she tried to kill herself
H: wait what
B: I liked you and you called me fat I was upset
Z: sis I'm sorry
B: and now your laughing at me
H: and now we feel bad even playing field
T: seriously
H: boom
We chuckled I sat down
T: but seriously your not gonna get rid of that boner
H: why not
B: cause I'm not a slut
H; you could be
Z: I said you can ask her out don't push it
H: ok ok
T: what now
Z: my parents are out
He wrapped his arm around her Hudson wrapped his around me
T&B: never in your wildest dreams
Hudson got off me we were in my room holy shit I just gave up my virginity
B: damn
H: you think Zamika is having fun or Zack's so bad she dumped him
B: second one
We smiled and chuckled we went downstairs after a few minutes Zamika came down with Tomika blushing and Zack smirking we sat down and watched a movie I kissed Hudson's cheek and we cuddled in so happy

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