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Tomikas POV
This girl came in I recognized her immediately an old enemy, her names Hayley she took my spot in the band and knowing her she's gonna steal everyone else well it's now or never to tell zack I like him
T: uh zack
Z: yeah
T: can we go out later
Z: sure
S: (smiles)
T: I mean like a date
Z: I know
T: I mean like I like you more than a friend I have a crush on you and I wanna date you
Z: why wait do you wanna be my girlfriend
T: (nods head to shocked to speak)
S: and that's the birth of Zamika next is the birth of your guys child
Z&T: (blushes) shut up
H: ok anyway I have a problem with my eyes I need a front seat..Tomika?
T: I have a problem with my eyes to
M: yeah and we need her in the front she's the only one who can tell when I'm gonna do something stupid
T: I just have to say it every five minutes and I'm always right
She glared at me not making it noticeable but mrfinn did
M: umm actually Tomika you can stay the bass player and singer
H: but what about me
M: sorry we've been in this band for years and you can't hit the high notes and no offense but you kept messing up the strings on the base
H: I can learn
M: but we can't wait for you to learn we need a singer now
T: I'm back
H: (fake smile) great
She sat down in the back
Me and zack are dating now I told mrfinn and Zack about me and her being enemy's they agreed to not let her in the band and to not choose her over me we were all at lunch freddy invited Hayley over Zacks arm was wrapped around me and he was feeding me
H: I'm so cold can you wrap your arm around me to
Z: oh god please no
She huffed
Z: oh did i say that out loud
H: (coldly) yes
I almost laughed mrfinn came up
M: guys I- (bored) oh Hayley your here
T&Z: yeah
M: can you leave
H: why
M: this is band news
H: well I can be in the band
M: I've told you a million times no
She left pissed
F: why do you guys hate her
We told them
S: I hate her
T: I know
We shuddered he told us we have a gig later
I woke up in a dark room Hayley came i
T: what now
H: your gonna miss the gig ill swoop in and boom in the new you
T: ugh
H: bye bitch
She left idiot she left my phone I got to it and called zack I put it on speaker with my boss
Z: hey where are you
T: Hayley kidnapped me have Lawrence track my phone oh she's coming
H: heyyyy
He hung up she didn't notice
She was on her phone the police burts through and handcuffed her she was screaming
We had enough time for the gig we played and ROCKED it we even got a record deal

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