Take off your mask

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Tomikas POV

Oh hey my names Tomika young I'm 17 I was in my room something you should know about me is I'm an only child my mom is dead and my father is the mafia leader of one of the most ruthless and vicious gangs in the world he rules an entire mafia which makes me his pride and joy, I heard a knock at the door

T; come in

My dad walks in

D: hi sweetie

T: hi daddy

D: since your last bodyguard got stabbed I hired you a new one

T: ooh where is he


A guy came in he was wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt that showed off his muscles although he had a mask on covering his mouth, (like a face mask were wearing during co-vid) I smiled

D: he'll be protecting you

T: ok

My dad smiled and left I turned to Freddy he had his arms crossed facing the window

T: why are you wearing a mask

F: so no one sees my face

He replies blankly i tilted my head

T: Freddy?

F: yeah

T: why do I get a weird vibe from you

F: I do not know ma'm

He said all of this while still looking at the window

T: come on take off your mask

F: I will not ma'm

T: come on

F: ma'm I am here to protect you not make chit chat

T: geez ok

He left


I started screaming Freddy ran in I only had a towel on

F: what's wrong

T: nothing just wanted to see you

He got mad I smiled innocently

F: you suck

T: come on I wanna talk

F: I'm not here to talk I'm here to protect you

T: but that's so boring

F: don't

T: ok I'm sorry let me make it up to you

I slipped off the towel he looks at me blankly straight into my eyes not anywhere else

T: look down and I won't put the towel on

F: ma'm I'm here to protect you and nothing else

T: come on

He got the towel and handed me it I pouted he rolled his eyes and I grabbed his collar pulling him to me

T: why do you have to be so difficult

F: ma'm-

T: stop calling me ma'm

F: sorry ma'm

T: ok I have a nickname for you

One came to mind i smirked

T: daddy

F: don't

T: but daddy I'm already hooked on the name

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