Movie moment

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Henry's POV
I'm twelve me and ray are in New Orleans cause he really wants to go to this mardy gra thing I go into a bakery while he's at the hotel I see a girl being the counter she looks like

She smiles it makes the sun not shiningH: I am here for the cakeShe chuckled still not looking at me I am in love with that sound I go up to herH: you work here??: yeah my mom owns the place H: what's your name?: depends on who's askingShe said le...

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She smiles it makes the sun not shining
H: I am here for the cake
She chuckled still not looking at me I am in love with that sound I go up to her
H: you work here?
?: yeah my mom owns the place
H: what's your name
?: depends on who's asking
She said leaning on her hand towards me
H: Henry Henry hart
?: weird introduction ok umm I got one (clears throat) Hathaway Frankie Hathaway
We laughed and talked a little till
!: ok frankie-
Fr: yes dear sister
?: are you kidding mom-
Fr: you mean mommy dearest
?: you still calling her that
Fr: yup
She said popping the p
?: anyway she said you can go on break
H: Frankie wanna hang o it
Fr: fuck it why not
We leave and walk around the park she's fun I do in d out a lot about her
Fr: ok so this is like a movie
H: huh
Fr: cute guy walks into small store sweeps girl off her feet from tiny unknown bakery that she works in with her single mom and older bossy sister
H: (chuckles)
Fr: he comes in takes her out and leaves the next weeks taking her heart with him after giving her one last kiss under an old tree while flower petals fall on them making it romantic and cheesy
H: I'm cute?
Fr: our of all that THATS your question
H: (chuckles) well I have to kiss you
I smirked
Fr: nope it had to be on the last day your here than it has to be at midnight so you take my first kiss and never see me again
H: you haven't had your first kiss
Fr: not big on dating you?
H: I've got a few girls but never a kiss
We smiled and continued walking
It's my last day I'm taking her out she was wearing

She smiles it makes the sun not shiningH: I am here for the cakeShe chuckled still not looking at me I am in love with that sound I go up to herH: you work here??: yeah my mom owns the place H: what's your name?: depends on who's askingShe said le...

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We were waking around taking I checked the clock it was 11:55 I smirked
Fr: ok I'll bite why you smirking
H: it's almost midnight
Fr: and?
H; the movie moment kiss
Fr: it has to happen in a movie moment place
I took her to this tree it was now 11:58
Fr; umm
I pressed a button rose petals fell I rigged it earlier she scoffed chuckling
H: well I mean it's almost midnight just
I checked
H: 10 seconds left
Fr: 10
She stepped closer I chuckled and checked again
H: and 3..2..1
I kissed her I felt sparks she kissed back and more petals fell she wrapped her arms around my neck after a minute we pulled away
H: and now I vanish into the night and leave you here not even giving you number
Fr: perfect movie moment
We smiled and kissed again I left smiling like I just got a new weapon me and ray met up and we boarded the plane we were supposed to get on
Frankies POV
I went inside my house grinning like an idiot
L: so how was the date
I told them Everything I sighed dreamily
T: it was the perfect movie moment
We laughed
I was in the bakery behind the counter again the bell ringer indicating someone had just come in I ignored them till I heard their voice
?: I am here for the cake
I looked up and saw him he looked like

1 I kissed her I felt sparks she kissed back and more petals fell she wrapped her arms around my neck after a minute we pulled awayH: and now I vanish into the night and leave you here not even giving you numberFr: perfect movie momentWe smiled an...

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My mouth dropped he sat down in front of me I'm still to shocked to speak
H: what's it been 3 years
Fr: uh uh
H: you know I'm single how about you
I grabbed his collar and kissed him
H: I'll take that as a yes
I smiled and kissed him leaning over the counter we left and walked along the shore of the beach the sun started to set he turned me and kissed me this really was the perfect movie moment

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