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Tomikas POV

My daddy was driving me to school Its my first day at a new school I'm 8 we moved to a new town after mommy died he pulled up at the school I smiled

D: remember kiddo be polite

T: ok daddy

I kissed his cheek and got out I waved bye he waved back and drove off I walked inside the school all eyes on me a girl came up to me

?: hi-hi I'm kale

T: Tomika

We shook hands she seems nice we walked to class


I was on the monkey bars when I fell some kid helped me up

?: nice jacket

He said picking up my jacket from the bench I put it on

T: thanks

I grabbed it and started walking away he took it from my hands I was mad but my dad always taught me to be nice and ask twice for stuff

T: give it back

?: no I like it

T: I-

?: what's with your accent

I have one of those southern accents I sound like what people think of Texas and I'm proud of it

T: please give it back

?: what you gonna do cry?

I glared he snickered and went for my hat as well but I kicked him in the stomach and punched him in the nose he groaned

T: I asked twice

I said coldly and grabbed my jacket I walked away


I was waiting for my daddy, the office called him this kids parents were currently yelling at me but I refused to cry

?: how dare you hurt my sweet Asher

T: So that's the dicks name

?: what did you just call our son

T: you heard me

Te: enough stop yelling at an 8 year old

?: she's a fucking cunt

D: what did you just call my daughter

I turn and see my dad standing in the doorway

?: she is

D: the fact that you would call an eight year old girl that is disgusting

?: she hurt our son

D: how old is he

?: ten

D: so what I can tell is your son stole my daughters jacket,made fun of her,now your mad she hit him and your calling her names when shes eight and he's ten?

He asked he looked honestly amused at the situation I think that's when the teacher realized how dumb the parents were being the parents growled and left

T: daddy-

D: let's go home sweetie

He grabbed my hand and we walked out we went to the car

?: hey! HEY!

We turn and see the dad coming towards us I'm gonna call him jackass

J: you better apologize

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