24 hours in paris

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A/N I saw a book called 24 hours in Paris no it's not a SOR story I didn't read it but I got INSPIRED.....by the title
Frankies POV
Oh hey I'm Frankie I'm 16 and I'm in Paris if your confused it's a class trip I was in a small bakery wearing

It was my turn when I heard-?: hey can I cutI rolled my eyes that's Freddy the biggest Fuckboy in our school I turned around Fr: noF: wasn't askingWe HATE each otherFr: wait your turn asshole F: hey don't talk to me like thatFr: I'll talk how I wa...

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It was my turn when I heard-
?: hey can I cut
I rolled my eyes that's Freddy the biggest Fuckboy in our school I turned around
Fr: no
F: wasn't asking
We HATE each other
Fr: wait your turn asshole
F: hey don't talk to me like that
Fr: I'll talk how I want
I turned back around
Fr: can I have a red velvet cupcake
?: yeah sure that will be 4.87
I handed him a five dollar bill, I got my cupcake and left I felt an arm wrapped around me as I left
F: your really getting on my nerve
Fr: that makes two of us
F: so what do you wanna do
Fr: anything as long as it's not with you
F: come on I'm bored
Fr: go to one of your sluts
F: but I don't want sex and your the least attractive girl in our grade so I came to you
Fr: wow your pick up likes are so good you make me wanna drop my panties to the ground
F: I know anyway
I rolled my eyes
F: let's do something
Fr: no means no leave me alone
I moved my shoulder getting it away from his arm and took a bite of the cupcake
F: I'm not gonna stop bothering you till we do something
Fr: why me we HATE each other
F: yeah I can't stand to be around you your ugly,slutty,and an all around bitch but your my last resort and-oh god I'm running out of fresh air
Fr: shut up
I walked away but may have taken a wrong turn I was wandering around for an few hours going into shops buying some stuff when I get a call from my friend lily
Fr: hey-
Fr: geez what
L: our flight just took off where are you
Fr: that's not till-(gasps) THATS TODAY
Fr: I'm still in Paris
L: I'll call you back I have to tell the teacher
She hung up FUCK I put my sunglasses up and I can't have help from Louie cause he's on a Boy Scout trip and I made him promise not to come here so I can be in Paris in peace STUPID FRANKIE after a few minutes I get a call
Fr: hello
L: good news
Fr: what is it
L: there's another flight in 24 hours the teacher booked you for that one
Fr: oh thank god
L: and there's one more student with you who missed the flight
Fr: who
L: Freddy
Fr: goddammit
L: sorry but right now he's all you got also the hotel is giving you another night but you have to share the room with Freddy
Fr: shit
L: sorry but only 24 hours
Fr: k bye lily
L: bye
I hung up and left I found Freddy at a bench I sat next to him we both gagged
F: out of all girls I'm stuck with you
Fr: yeah like I'm happy
F: I hate you
Fr: let's just go to our hotel and ignore each other
Fr: the teacher said if we wanna leave the room we have to be together for "safety"
We got up and left the room was cool one problem there was only one fucking bed
Fr&F: why me
We both simotaniously sat on the left side of the bed
Fr: ladies first
F: your a girl?
I hit his sack he held it and groaned in pain
Fr: be a gentleman you know I don't know if I could call you human
F: shut it slut
Fr: your a piece of shit you know that
F: and your a fat bitch
Fr: shut up
F: suck my dick
I got on top of him wrapping my legs around his waist while we were sitting down he got confused I cupped his cheeks
Fr: your comebacks are weak,all you have is a bunch of sluts,leave me alone and I'm taking this side
He stood up holding my legs around his waist
F: don't tell me what I have cause I have more than you what do you have? an alcoholic mom, divorced parents and a sister who doesn't care for you at least I have a normal family you whore and I wanna leave you alone cause I would rather die than be near you and I'm taking this side
He set me down holding my waist my arms were wrapped around his neck I was glaring he squeezed my waist and a small gasp escaped my mouth
F: (grit teeth) I'm taking this side
Fr: you jackass
I pushed him off and sat on the bed on the right side he smirked I rolled my eyes he sat down and went on his phone
Fr: I wanna go out
Fr: I said so and your coming
I dragged him out and we walked around he looked annoyed
Fr: ok fine what do you wanna do
F: anything else
Fr: want me to kiss you
F: never mind I'll live with this
We went inside this restaurant there was this a mint bowl
Fr: ooh mints
I took one Freddy rolled his eyes I shoved one in his mouth
Fr: your breath stinks
He held it in his mouth
Fr: will you just suck it already
F: hey I said that last night remember
My eyes widen the waiter looked the other way he smirked
Fr: you stupid motherfucker
Waiter: your table is ready
Fr: please tell me the seats are far apart I don't want to get infected by him
F: shut up
Fr: it's the truth
He showed us to our table
Fr: that wasn't funny
F: really? I thought it was
Fr: ugh this is why I don't date
F: you can't not date you have a job you see Frankie your what guys call a practice girl
I scoffed
Fr: and your what girls call a sick bastard
F: shut up and stop being a bitch
Fr: stop being a fucking dipshit
He growled I ignored him
We walked around some more
Fr: you were so inappropriate at lunch
F: who gives a shit
Fr: I do that was so embarrassing
F: it's not like you'll see them again
Fr: I'm out
F: we have to stay together
Fr: NO
F: Frankie come on
Fr: leave me alone
I walked away I once again got lost it got dark and I had no idea where I was I took a turn in an alley and got slammed against the wall
?: look what we have here
Fr: all I see is a pile of shit
?: hey shut up and this will be over quick
Fr: get the hell off me
?: no
He started taking off my skirt I was about to scream when he suddenly got punched and knocked to the ground they keep punching him ITS FREDDY he stands up I hug him and cry just ONE tear he hugged back holding me close
F: I told you not to leave
Fr: I'm sorry
F: look what happened
I hugged him tighter and cried more digging my head on his chest and he put his chin on my head yeah I'm THAT short
Fr: I wanna go home
F: come on
We left I wiped my tears we went to the hotel I immediately went into bed
F: Frankie come on
Fr: no I'm not getting out of bed
He picked me up and set me on my feet
F: take a shower
Fr: no let me sleep and or die
He dragged me to the bathroom
F: come on
Fr: NO
He unbuttoned the first button on my shirt I backed up
F: take a shower
Fr: let me sleep
I tried to leave he grabbed my wrist and spun me back pulling me close
F: strip yourself so you can take a shower
I nodded my head
F: are you gonna actually take a shower
I nodded my head
F: are you lying to me
I slowly nodded my head
Fr: I wanna go to bed
F: why
Fr: cause I was just almost raped
We fought for a minute talking at the same time when he kissed me passionately I felt sparks I kissed back he pulled away we were just looking at each other
Fr: what was that for
F: you wouldn't stop talking
I kissed him
F: what was that for
Fr: don't ask questions just fuck me
I kissed him he was shocked but kissed back
Freddys POV
Damn she knew how to kiss when she gets a boyfriend he's gonna be one lucky motherfucker and I think I'm just noticing her body it's like an hourglass I picked her up so her legs were wrapped around my waist I carried her to the bed and laid us down not breaking the kiss I unbuttoned her shirt and slipped it off revealing her bra i looked at her with lust she blushed, I started kissing her chest she moaned softly she kissed me and unbuttoned my shirt I took it off and took off her skirt she started fumbling with my zipper as we made out
F: don't tease me
Fr: or what
She kissed me again and put her hand in my pants damn her she FINALLY took off my pants I took off her underwear time for payback
Frankies POV
He took off my underwear and started kissing every area around where I needed him
Fr: f-Freddy stop teasing me
F: karmas a bitch
Fr: ok ok I'm sorry just do it
F: do what
He said acting dumb
Fr: fuck Freddy you know what
He started blowing on my pussy
Fr: Freddy stop
F: what?
He said smirking
Fr: come on
He started sucking my pussy I moaned loudly his lips made their way up he kissed me, he fingered me while kissing my neck it felt so good now I see why girls sleep with him he took off his boxers and positioned himself between my legs
F: ready
Fr: yeah
F: it's gonna hurt
Fr: do it fuck me
He pushed into me I moaned it stung but I didn't even care it felt to good he pulled out slowly
Fr: faster
He went harder and faster I moaned again he brushed his fingers up and down my body I moaned silently he stopped
Fr: why the fuck did you stop
F: are you giving me an attitude
Fr: no
F: I think you are
Fr: I-I'm not
He kissed me I melted under his kiss
F: call me daddy
In a moment of weakness I said
Fr: yes daddy
We kissed again and let's just say it was an eventful night
I woke up in his arms both of us naked I just had a bra on I looked up he was still asleep I started playing with his fingers and started sucking his neck I heard a silent moan I stopped
Fr: what did we do
F: I don't know
Fr: Louies gonna kill me
F: who the hell is louie
Fr: my brother
F: you don't have a brother
Fr: yes I do he lives with my aunt
He shrugged
Fr: ok were not doing this again
I moved away from him he did to
F: never
We were silent for a few seconds I missed the feeling of his bare skin against mine
Fr&F: I wanna do it again
F: your annoying as hell but damn you know how to fuck a guy
Fr: you touch all the right places and can get me moaning like crazy
F: so what now
Fr: I don't want to date
F: of course not
Fr: so....enemy's with benefits?
F: enemy's with benefits
Fr: rules
F: ok um we can see other people
Fr: no affection in school
F: we still hate each other
Fr: keep your sluts away
F: we can call each other anything like babe,baby or
He turned my head to him
F: daddy
I bit my lip
F: don't do that it drives me crazy
I got on top of him and kissed him
Fr: I'll do what I want
F&Fr: and no feelings attached
Fr&F: deal
Fr: wanna seal our new found friendship
I unhooked my bra he smirked
F: yup
I slipped it off and he flipped us over
Fr: (giggles)
He kissed me
We were at his house making out he just had his boxers and I just had a bra and underwear on I was making out with him when the door knocked
T: Frankie I followed your phone here what are you doing at Freddys house
Fr: just a minute
T: no come on You we're supposed to be home an hour ago
Fr: I'll be right out
I kissed Freddy roughly I felt him getting hard I smirked
Fr: (whispers) bye
I quickly got dressed and ran out
T: why were you here
Fr: reasons
T: damn good answer
We laughed and went home
I walked into school and got dragged to the janitors closet the second the door closed and a tounge was shoved in my mouth
F: what the fuck was that about yesterday
Fr: I don't know what your talking about
He pulled me close
F: my house,tonight 8:00 be there
Fr: I can't my mom grounded me for being late yesterday
F: does it look like I care
Fr: Freddy I cant
F: you can and you will
Fr: (sighs) fine I'll sneak out
F; good girl
We kissed and left
I snuck out and went to Freddys house I think you know what we did I got a million texts from my mom and Taylor
Fr: ok well I'm grounded for life
F: then let's make the most of tonight
He flipped us over so he was on top of me
It took everything in me not to limp when I walked in the bakery my mom glared
Fr: hi mommy
M: don't mommy me
I walked to the elevator and went up I was wearing an oversized hoodie to cover the hickeys on my neck,chest and thighs he really didn't hold back I went to my room every one stormed in
Fr: isn't it a beautiful day
T: what's with you you don't come home,you sneak out and your wearing a cute hoodie that I now want
M: as punishment for Frankie you get it and your grounded
My eyes widen
M: you can have it back tomorrow geez
Fr: no I just mean how about she gets it in a week
M: no
Mi: why are you so tense
Fr: tense? I'm not tense who said I was tense
Mi: ok the hoodie is important it's coming off
Fr; promise you guys won't get mad
L: we promise
I took it off closing my eyes they gasped
Fr: you said you won't get mad
Fr: hey
R: do I have to be here
Fr: no
R&Mi&T&L: see ya
Fr: (baby voice) don't leave me
They left my mom yelled at me for a good five minutes I apologized a million times and she told me to break it off I agreed
I dragged Freddy to the janitors closet he smirked I closed the door
F: your eager
Fr: ok this
I said pointing between us
Fr: cannot happen anymore
F: yeah no
Fr: Freddy I'm serious my mom chewed me out it's over
He pinned me against the wall
F: you don't get to choose
Fr: I just did she said we can't
F: she doesn't have to know
He said as he started kissing my neck I gulped silently
Fr: f-Freddy I said no
He snickered and went near my ear
F: shut up and kiss me
He said huskily in my ear it sent shivers down my spine he kissed me, without thinking I kissed back he smirked and pulled away
Fr: I umm I c-can't
F: baby don't fight it we both know you want this
He went closer our lips centimeters apart smirking
F: how about we ditch the clothes
My breath hitched
F: come on you know you want to
Fr: I....
He unhooked my bra from under my shirt
Fr: Freddy we're in school
F: let's ditch
Fr: my mom will kill me
F: so don't tell her
Fr: I said no
I pushed him away and hooked my bra
F: your really getting in my nerves
Fr: were in school
I left but he dragged me out of school and to his car he drove off
Fr: (groans) where are we going
F: a place
After a few minutes he took a turn into the woods and we ended up at this cabin he took me in and to this random room
Fr: Freddy I said no
He looked at me annoyed
F: yeah I don't care we're doing this wether you like it or not
Fr: Freddy
F: you know
He said as he started taking off his belt
F: you can really be annoying
He took it off
F: but it's ok
He went closer to me
F: cause I can always punish you later
He kissed me I don't know why I kissed back he pushed me on the bed and got on top of me
I was enjoying every second of this
F: this is why we do this so I can give you the pain and pleasure
Fr: sorry I tried to stop
F: yeah you should be
He kissed me and his lips went down to my neck he started leaving hickeys I moaned again I got a call from my mom I remembered stopping this
Fr: daddy?
F: yeah
Fr: we need to stop
He rolled his eyes annoyed
Fr: I promised my mom ok I have to go
F: come on
I sat up and kissed him
Fr: bye
F: your not leaving
Fr: watch me
I got dressed and left I got home
L: so?
Fr: I did it
L: (baby voice) yay
I chuckled
I was in class when
?: ok the partners for the project are
Isabella and jace
Summer and Zack
Benjamin and Maddison
Cree and Thomas
Jack and rose
Asher and kale
Frankie and Freddy
Fr&F; dammit
She rolled her eyes
We went to his house we sat on the bed we were silent for a moment not looking at each other
F&Fr: I miss you
We turned to each other
Fr: I hate you
F: can't stand you
Fr: you make me wanna puke
F: I'd rather die than date you
He started rubbing my thigh
Fr: but you read my body like Braille
F: five minutes
Fr: deal
We quickly kissed and laid down
F: glad to know we started where we picked off
Fr: you fucking me till I'm sore?
F: yes
We kissed again and you know what happens next
Fr: we have to stop
I started to get up
F: come here I'll fuck you harder
I bit my lip
F: you know you want it
Fr: maybe I do maybe I don't
F: we'll talk later for now
He went near my lips
F: let's make the angels sing
He kept going harder and faster I moaned he held me tight so I couldn't move
Fr: f-Freddy I'm close
F: wait
Fr: I can't
I said as I held my head back whining he started kissing my neck fingering me
F: do it and you get punished
He moved his fingers he pushed into me his thrust became sloppy
Fr: daddy please
F: not yet baby
He rubbed my thighs he fingered me again I cum in his hands
F; baby what did I tell you
Fr: sorry daddy
Was all I could manage to say I was in a bliss of pleasure ignoring the pain that came with it he crawled back on top of me our faces inches apart I was so turned on
F: princess I told you your getting punished
He continued going harder at one point it became to much
Fr: daddy stop it's to much
F: come on you can take it take it like you want it
He kissed me I kissed back putting my hand on the back of his head pulling him closer moving my body against his he pulled away from the kiss moaning
F: god your so tight
He started kissing my neck after we were done I put on my clothes
F: don't ruin the fun now
Fr: I have to go home and I have to come over tomorrow for the project
F: really? Is that the only reason
Fr: yes
He started rubbing my thigh and blowing on my hickeys a lump formed in my throat he was behind me my back was facing him
F: I said is that the only reason
He wrapped his hand around my neck
Fr: n-no
F: and what's the other
He said as his hand went down and started massaging my breast
Fr: so you can fuck me again
F: good girl
He turned my head so I was looking at him
F: don't be late k baby
Fr; ok
He smirked and kissed me I left I went home
L; you and Freddy had sex
Fr: how
L: I have a gift and your terrible at lying
Fr: I didn't say anything
L: well I know when you are and why did you do it
Fr: I don't know it was just....random sex were not together
L: don't do it again
Fr: I won't
L: your gonna
Fr: dammit louie
I rolled my eyes playfully while chuckling and plopped down on the couch we watched a movie
I was at Freddys house I was sitting down on his bed writing stuff down for the project he started sucking my neck
Fr: Freddy we can't
F: (against neck) why not
Fr: Louie threatened to tell my mom
F: why the hell did you tell him
Fr: I didn't he found out
F: how
Fr: I don't know but what I do know is we stopped this for a reason and that was cause we're not good together
F: yeah we are
Fr: Freddy between the sheets were amazing but once the clothes come on we can't stop fighting it just won't work
F: one more night
Fr: Freddy
F: you know you want to
Fr: maybe
F: (smirks)
Fr; fine but AFTER we get the project done
F: we'll see
He smirked at me god that smirk I bit my lip looking down blushing
F: god you don't know what you do to me when you bite your lip makes me wanna do unspeakable things to you
Fr: (blushes) stop or I'm gonna do stuff I'll regret
F: well that's my plan
I kissed him
Fr: we can't freddy
F: come on you know you want to
Fr: sorry
He gave me a peck on the lips
F: you'll be mine
Fr: we'll see
We smiled he kissed my cheek and we finished the project
Fr: oh i have to go home
F: oh come on we didn't even do anything
Fr: that's good we have to stop
F: baby come on
I pouted he kissed me
Fr: I seriously have to go
He picked me up
F: no
Fr: I'm serious
F: come with me
He set me down and I followed him out of the house and to a restaurant
F: I'm taking you on a date
Fr: I didn't think you knew what that was
He laughed and we went inside
Fr: what your game Huerta
F: no game
Fr: I'm not sleeping with you
F: don't have to as long as I can call you mine
He kissed my cheek meh maybe he isn't so bad after all

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