On set love

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Breannas POV

We all just finished filming another episode for school of rock. "We" are the cast of the show it was the one where everyone was fighting to be the leader

L: hey who would actually be the leader

R&B&J&A: me

B: Tomikas clearly the leader

R: I feel like the drummer would be

J: he's in the back summer on the other hand is-

A: boring

L: you heard my line I'm the lead guitarist

We started fighting

Director: ugh you sound like your characters

R: tell them I would be

D: technically it would be Tomika

B: ha

J: how

D: well it's writers who gave her the line to say "let's form a band" and the character Tomika was the one who got the comment

B: ha in your face

A: shut up

I smirked and walked past them I flipped them off over my shoulder I heard them scoff when I'm suddenly being picked up

B: lance put me down

L: how did you know it's me

B: your the only one dumb enough to do this

R: true she will punch you

We heard behind us

B: I'm going to my trailer

Lance set me down and followed me to my trailer

B: so Tomikas the boss of Zack

L: oh shut up

B: aww is lancie mad

L: meh

I kissed his cheek

B: oh right I was thinking of cutting my hair a little more

L: yeah you should do it

I smiled

L: wanna play Mario bros

B: sure

He got up and plugged in the game he handed me a controller i smiled and grabbed it


We were playing Mario bros

L: I win!

B: goddammit

L: ha ha

I hit him in the back of the head

L: ow

B: let me win next time

L: no

I hit him again he grabbed my arm stopping me

B: your no fun

L: I wanna live

I laughed and we smiled at each other when our faces got more serious we quickly leaned in and kissed it quickly got heated I got up and ran to the door I locked it Lance picked me up and threw me back on the couch

He got on top of me and kissed me again we laid back down on the couch and we fell off the couch but I quickly started the make out again and got on top of him he flipped us over

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