High school bully

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Tomikas POV
My names Tomika I was wearing

I walked into school some boys stared I ignored them and went to my locker only to be turned and slammed against itF: what the hell are you wearingT: I-uh

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I walked into school some boys stared I ignored them and went to my locker only to be turned and slammed against it
F: what the hell are you wearing
T: I-uh..I-u-uh..y-you see-
F: you slut you sleep with everyone you see
He left after slapping me that's my bully Freddy he's been torturing me since the first day of school I even lost my virginity to him I sighed remembering that day I was raped in a closet screaming for mercy, I grabbed my books and went to class
I was at a job interview I graduated college two months ago
I got a call I got the job
I put on

I walked in the company someone named cree showed me around and showed me to my office, I walked in I saw someone all to familiar behind the desk, the guy who stole my innocence he smirked when he saw me a lump formed in my throat he came up so we...

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I walked in the company someone named cree showed me around and showed me to my office, I walked in I saw someone all to familiar behind the desk, the guy who stole my innocence he smirked when he saw me a lump formed in my throat he came up so we were inches apart he went near my lips
F: nice seeing you again
I swallowed the lump away silently
T: y-your my boss
F: yeah so be quiet or your fired
He stroked my hair his hand went down putting it in my skirt
F: tight skirt, good girl
T: oh god
He smirked and showed me to my desk which was across the room from his it was one room and I'm his secretary this is gonna be an awful job
I was working he came over to me I tried to ignore him he turned my head so I was looking at him
F: don't ignore me princess
T: sorry
F: sorry what
T: I don't want to say it
F: say it
T: sorry daddy
He smirked he had me call him that in high school
T: c-can't we just work and forget high school
F: I don't want to
T: why do you hate me
F: why should I tell you
T: you've been torturing me since the first day of high school why
F: hey shut up
I sighed and went back to work he went to his desk
I got ready to go home but he held me back he locked the door oh shit I know for a fact this room is soundproofed
T: I'm going home
F: stay let's have fun
T: get a girl who's willing to do it you'll find her in an insane asylum
He growled shit why did I say that
F: five years later and you still can't keep your mouth shut god you don't know a damn thing do you
T: Freddy I'm-
He gripped my wrist tighter
T: daddy...
He glared
T: daddy I'm sorry
F: I don't give a shit you never talk back to me got it
He pulled me closer vigorously I lost my balance and almost fell
T: y-yes daddy
He picked me up and slammed me on his desk his lips went to my chest and went up quickly kissing my neck I could feel his hot breath on my neck he moaned
F: god your so
He let out a groan and smashed his lips on mine ripping off my clothes he quickly took off his belt pulling down his pants and boxers he rammed into me I bit my lip to hold back a scream I wanted it to stop but it didn't he kept going till I was sore once I was he stopped and put on his clothes I put on mine stumbling a little
T: p-please don't do that again
F; why'd you think I hired you so I can do it whenever I want
T: how are you so rich
F: invested right anyway got to go my wife's waiting
I screeched in disbelief
F: yeah and be a doll and don't tell her about this maybe you'll get a raise
T: I'm gonna
F: wouldn't want a kid to grow up without his father
T: you-
F: have a son yeah and you really don't want to get in the way who knows she might get mad at you thinking I'm the innocent one I'll fire you and even if your plan does work your splitting up a family leaving a kid with no parents
He smirked and left I can't believe him I left as well
Freddys POV
Damn she's hot and seeing her in that tight skirt made me want to fuck her till she can't walk for days I was in the back of my limo going home, when I got home I go in my son runs up to me his names Logan
L: daddy
That's sorta ruined for me now
F: don't call me that your a big boy call me dad
L: ok
Kale: hey sweetie
F: hey
We kissed her lips didn't feel like mika's and I didn't know if that was good or bad
Me and her were making out on the desk I was over her and she was half naked under me yeah I definitely like kissing her better than kale she was kissing back scared the door jiggled she looked
T: we have to stop
F: I don't want to stop
I forcefully kissed her she looked like she wanted to cry
K: babe why is the door locked
T: it's your wife
F: goddammit
K: ok I'm using a key
She quickly jumped up
K; dammit I don't have one I'll be right back
Tomika quickly got dressed

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