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Tomikas POV

My names Tomika young I'm 8, my mom just enrolled me in this stuffy dance class I.hate.IT I walked in with my mommy it's ballroom dance bleh there's a lot of girls a few boys

T: mommy I don't want to be here

M: sorry sweetie

T: don't go please stay

M: have fun

She kissed my forehead and left the teacher came up to me

?: hi are you Tomika

I nodded my head

?: come on

She took me to the middle of the room we all got in a circle she told us to sit down and say stuff about our selves I kept quiet mad I didn't talk the entire time


Great I'm back here again I go every Wednesday ugh I've been dreading this, I go in same people I go to a bench and eat my snack. I try to get down but it's to high up. I huff I feel a presence next to me I turn and see

 I huff I feel a presence next to me I turn and see

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He smiled

?: hi I'm zack

T: did I ask?

Z: why are you so mad

T: leave me alone

Z: seriously are you ok

T: no I don't want to do this stupid dance class

Z: you and me both

T: why are you here

Z: my parents want me to learn how to dance cause it'll be important one day I guess

T: my mom thinks I need to be classy you eat one booger

He chuckled a little

T; you know I was kidding right

Z: yeah

A girl walked up she looked like

A girl walked up she looked like

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