Eliana part 2

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Tomikas POV

Me and Summer went to this Karaoke place (Mrfinn told us we had to or we'll fail) I've basically forgave Freddy, Warming up to Zack but I still flinch around Lawrence I just still can't believe he slapped me, Clark and Esme were at one ends of the place Mr.Finn is paying them to watch us so we stay he sucks

S: Tomika can we-


S: I'm sorry

T: I don't give two shits about your apology when you didn't give two shits about mine

S: I'm-

T: sorry? (Scoffs) bitch

S: (sighs)

I grabbed my drink and drank it when Freddy texted me

F: do you know where my brush is

I noticed summer got the same text

S&T: ugh it's always about his hair

T: he spent two hours getting his hair done for my uncles wedding and by the time he finished, it was almost over

S: there's always something like "a hair out of place" or "not enough hair gel"

T&S: "there's never to much hair gel"

S: and what about Zack

T: ugh he is such a teachers pet

S: he will literally say "I'm gay" if someone tells him to

T: ooh interesting blackmail

We laughed I remembered I hate her and stopped laughing

S: come on mika I never liked her she was a bitch and-

T: sum I know you better than anyone I heard you telling her to fuck off and I saw how uncomfortable you got when she was around

S: see

T: but the fact that you lied and went out of your way to make me miserable is just to much

S: I'm sorry

T: I know you've said a million times

S: I'll say it's billion if you don't forgive me

T: don't even annoying someone into forgiveness is my thing

?: well hello ladies

T&S: dammit

?: I'm Liam

?: I'm Elliot

T: I'm I don't care

S: and I'm not interested

Li: come on talk to us we'll make it worth your while

T: eww no thanks

El: come on

S: again no thanks

Li: come on baby

He said wrapping his arm around me I hit him in the nuts he groaned in pain

El: now we're gonna have to punish you guys for that later

S&T: ugh fuck off

Li: how about you sing us a song

S: no

El: something to give us a boner


They growled we rolled our eyes

T: hey actually let's sing a song

Li; glad to see your coming to your senses

El: yeah let's hear a little songy song action

(Tomika was tori and summer was jade)

They.were.mad but we just smiled and waved they left in a huff and we bowed and walked off stage and sat back down

T: the look on those guys faces

S: priceless

We high fived


I was at my locker when someone hugged me from behind

F: hey

T: hey

He kissed my cheek

F: how are you and summer?

T: better shes not completely forgiven tho

F: you miss her admit it

T: I guess

He turned me around to face him

F: do you wanna go out later

T: 😳

F: good reaction

T: y-yeah sure

He kissed me and dragged me to class I was a blushing,giggling mess I completely forgot about what the band did and just focused on Freddy

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