Babes POV My name is babe kwon my older brother is Zack I'm well I'm fat and I'm not saying that I literally weigh two hundred pounds and I just turned sixteen my best friend is Tomika young and we're nothing alike I'm in the marching band with a special made costume she's captain of the cheerleading team she has a million guys lining up for her I get hit on by homeless men she's flawless perfection I'm ugly and fat I was in my room playing with my fingers looking down Zack started his first year of college this year so I don't have him any more to defend me he and Tomika stopped people from bullying me but they were mainly scared of Zack he's two years older anyway I lifted my Feet and I couldn't see them I sighed I looked at my nightstand and see a blade I grabbed it I was about to cut when Tomika walked in I hid it T: sup bitch She jumped on my bed next to me B: why are you friends with me T: cause we're besties B: seriously T; come on weve been friends since we were six B: and we're in high school why are you still T: what are you saying do you not want to be friends B: I- I can't hold her back B: yeah get out of my house She ran out crying I sighed THE NEXT DAY I was at my locker the entire cheerleading team was teasing me well tomika wasn't there ?: so you ever lose weight or you just can't be bothered They laughed tears formed in my eyes T: HEY They turned to Tomika her eyes were a little red meaning she's been crying they got scared If they ever bully me she threatens to kick them off the cheerleading team T: leave NOW They walked away quickly she walked away to, this is for her own good she always ditched parties for me or doesn't date guys if they don't like me I'm helping her 1 WEEK LATER It's thanksgiving now Zacks coming home the doorbell rings B: Zack your here I open it T: it's me B: what are you doing here I said trying to sound annoyed she wiped a tear rolling down her cheek T: umm my parents are out of town and your parents said I could stay here for the week B: oh T: yeah She was wearing
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My parents came up behind me and smiled Mom: tomika come in come in She smiled and walked in they invited her to sit on the couch she did they went to the kitchen she went on her phone the door rang I open it and see zack and this blonde hair guy B: ZACK I hug him he hugs back Z: sup sis T: hey Zack Z: hey mika They walked in Z: this is Hudson B: I'm single-babe We chuckled and shook hands Tomika and Zack caught up after a few minutes we all ate dinner Tomika tried talking to me but I walked away or waddled away Hudson's cute I think I might like him I see him and Zack in the kitchen I go in Z: hey I'm gonna go to the gas station get something for the car H: how long will you be Z: not long I was about to say something maybe ask him out H: dude hurry back I can't be here all night with your fat sister My heart shattered I stumbled back and walked away to my room Tomika saw I was hurt and and ran after me I slammed my door shut and broke down crying my room is soundproofed tho Tomika came in she closed the door and hugged me B: (cries) get away were not friends anymore T: why B: cause I hold you back your missing out on life T: I don't care I'm miserable without you I miss you B: I miss you to She hugged me again T: friends B: yeah T: but why are you so sad B: you know Hudson T: yeah B: I thought he was cute and I thought we were getting along but (cries) he said to Zack t-that I was fat I started sobbing she hugged me B: I should just kill myself T: you shouldn't do that B: why I'm nothing I get bullied every day I'm fat and I hate my life T: everyone loves you your smart and amazing in life being fat wont matter you'll get a good career and you need to find a guy who can accept you and don't change yourself B: your so perfect T: no I'm not B: your popular and pretty and I'm- T: were not doing this again you do this every week you say good stuff about me and bad about you stop criticizing yourself your perfect look in the mirror your amazing B: but- T: I'm not perfect my parents are cheating on each other they're not on a business trip they're out of town looking for divorce lawyers I get boys attention but not all good ones I've been almost raped twice luckily I got out of it but it was traumatizing oh and the cheerleading team is a bunch of Pom Pom waving bitches who want me to go on dumb diets theyve even tried starving me B: I never knew this happend T:my life sucks babe that's why I care about you so much B: I'm so sorry I thought I was the worst thing in your life and you'd be glad to get rid of me T: bitch hell no I chuckled and we hugged we stayed in my room the entire night THE NEXT DAY We went downstairs my parents had bags with them Hudson tried to talk to me I ignored him he doesn't know I heard him say that he left with Zack Dad: were going on a business trip for a few months when Tomikas parents come back you can stay with them T&B: ok M: no party's T: no promises D: seriously T: just a few friends They said goodbye and left T; That are gonna invite more friends We laughed B: I wanna get back at Hudson T: he's not coming back till next thanksgiving so how about B: I'll become a cock tease T: babe... B: I'll lose weight T: you sure B: how hard can it be T: I'm your new coach the goal is let's look at the scale B: I wanna get to less than a 100 pounds T: ok We went to the scale B: ok three hundred pounds T: I can work with this B: really T: no this is gonna take awhile I gave her the really look T: to the gym She dragged me out and to there T: warning I have no idea what any of these machines do B: then how are you so skinny T: who knows We asked some people 1 MONTH LATER I'm a lot different now we FaceTimed my parents M: hi honey T: guess who got your daughter skinny D: ha ha She took the phone and took it back so they could see my whole body their mouths dropped D: why don't we go on more business trips B: (chuckles and smiles) She grabbed it and we talked for a few minutes they had to go her parents told her to not come home and that they were sorry about the cheating and they were working on rebuilding their relationship we decided to have a party AT THE PARTY Some girl started yelling we turned to her ?: ok just one question who the hell is this chick Everyone pointed to me B: babe ?: huh B: babe corono They gasped the door bell rang T: ooh pizza ?: ok party back on I smiled I was wearing
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Tomika ⬇️
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I remembered Hudson oh when thanksgiving comes hes gonna get it