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Lawrence's POV
I'm fourteen and I have a huge crush on tomika I was in school when I heard her and kale at her locker
T: ok it's the day
K: you say that everyday
T: I know but today I mean it (sighs) I'm finally gonna tell him I like him
I sighed sadly knowing it's Asher or Freddy
T: but what if Lawrence doesn't like me back
K: than he won't be able to see how amazing you are
T: but what if it makes things awkward in the band once he rejects me which we both know he will
K: that's a risk you have to take you have been in love with him since the second grade
T: but Lawrence-
K: I know he's out of your league
T: what are you taking about
K: he has glasses plays the piano and spend his weekends behind a computer
T: (dreamily) yeah
I smiled
K: Lawrence as in Lawrence Dooley
T: yes god ok and I'll tell him today
K: ok good
They left
She looked nervous she hesitantly walks up to me
T: Larry I..
She turned to kale she gave her a thumbs up
T: will go out with uh-
?: hey
K&T: are you kidding
I chuckled she'll ask me later
?: I'm Andrew
S: (cheerful) hi
M: do you do anything in your free time
A: I play the piano I've done a lot of recitals one and I go to a coding club
Z: cool
A: not many people think that's cool they really only care about the fact I can skateboard or can beat them at supeesmash brothers
F: you play that
L&T&K: what is happening
S: what else
A: nothing else I just have an annoying little sister I hate her her headbands get everywhere
S: she has headbands
A: yeah a whole collection
A: umm
Z: let me refrase we're a secret band you can be the keyboard player
L: what about me
F: Umm the backup keyboard player
L: that's not a thing
K&T: guys I don't think we should replace him
F: ok one kale your not in the band
Z: and two tomika your outvoted
T&K: (annoyed) fine
We all sat down
Me and tomika we're sitting at a table the band wasn't here yet
T: ok so earlier
L: you were trying to ask me something
T: I was wondering if your free tonight maybe we can-
A: hey guys
She groaned and out her head down
A: come on mika the band is waiting
T: what about larry
A: sorry they said band members only
T: well I'm not going
A: yeah you are
T: no I'm not and don't call me mika
They immediately got up and walked over here
T: guys I'm trying to talk to Lawrence
S: what about that nerd
L&T: nerd?
Z: come on
T: no
They dragged her away
T: I'll tell you later
I sighed later she blocked my number guess I missed my shot
She ran in and went up to me
T: I'm sorry they made me block your number
Yes it wasn't her
T: anyway I wanted to know if you'd go out with-
F: hey
Z: come on
T: I'm trying to-
They dragged her away again
She came up to me at my locker
T: Ok I'm finally gonna day it will you-
S: hey
She banged head against the lockers I chuckled
T: I give up I'll tell you in class
She walked away summer smirked she glared at me why is she so evil
We were sitting on my desk
T: ok so larry I like-
A&F&Z&S: hey what's going on
T: (high pitches crying)
She cried into my shoulder
T: fuck it
She grabbed me and kissed me
T: will you u please go out with me
L: I'd love to
A: what the
T: I finally asked him
S: why would you wanna be with a nerd like him
Z: he's a loser
F: a nobody
A: he should kill himself nobody would care
I looked down she kissed my cheek and turned my head
T: your not that they're just being stupid I don't know why since I thought we were friends
Z: we were not we never wanted to actually be seen with that loser
I got more sad she kissed me softly
A: hey no
T: why not
A: no relationships in the band
T: Fremmers dating
S: and?
T: well if you are we are
F: well summer were breaking up
T: doesn't matter he's not apart of the band you kicked him out I have every right to date him
Z: well we-
T: and even if you take him back we'll just secretly date outside the band and not do anything while with you guys
Z&F&S&A: (growls)
L: why you guys so mean all of a sudden
They left
Summers POV
Andrew came in he kidnapped us and replaced us with look alike s but the look alikes weren't with him
A: if your wondering where they are I killed them because tomika won't date me
F: oh shit
A: so now I kill you
Someone smashed a pan over his head we see tomika and Larry holding the pan his hand over hers
Z&F&S&M: damn
They untied us and called the cops
S: so did Lamika finally happen
They blushed we smirked they kissed we a aweed they rolled their eyes blushing

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