Bussines dinner

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Chotes POV
My dad dragged me to this business thing it's one big dinner I was at a table when this girl catches my eye raven hair about my age and bored out of her mind she started eating this mini hot dog her dad shoots her a glare I can hear what they're saying
D: your fat enough already you don't need more
?: shut the fuck up I'm fine and I'm hungry if your dragging me here I'm gonna eat DAN
D: you'll call me dad
?: you will never be my dad
M: honey you don't have to
D: babe-
M: your her stepdad stop forcing her to do this stuff
?: thanks mom
M: (smiles)
I went back to myself later at the buffet I ran into her
?: oh hi
C: hi I'm chote
T: Tomika
C: heard you an DAN earlier
T: were we that loud
C: no I just eavesdrop a lot
T: (chuckles)
We talked for awhile waking around when she got a text
T: my mom just left for my little brothers soccer game
C: so your stuck with your stepdad
T: yeah..we don't like him my dad just can't support us right now so she was forced to marry him in a few months we can be with my real dad he's trying to show that he's a better dad for me by starving me but he is so dumb he never hides the pantry key
C: (chuckles)
T: is it just me or is everything louder at night
C: right everything's fine in the morning but it's like when your getting water a bomb is going off
T: I know
We chuckled and went back to her table her "dads" smile fell as he saw me
T: dan you good
D: I have someone I'd like you to meet
He pontes to this guy we did not know who was there he looked like

we don't like him my dad just can't support us right now so she was forced to marry him in a few months we can be with my real dad he's trying to show that he's a better dad for me by starving me but he is so dumb he never hides the pantry keyC: (...

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We gave him a small smile and talked more ignoring him
T: geez what
D: why don't you and Justin talk
T: who's that
J: me
T: oh uh hi so you like the..um..Cubs?
C: you should teach a class on small talk
I applauded she chuckled her dad and Justin growled
T: why you guys so mad
J&D: (grit teeth) no reason
C: I'm gonna go
T: please take me with you
D: no stay and talk to Justin
T: no leave and cool off
She got up and left they halted at me I left to after her we talked more I gave her my number and left with my dad
Tomikas POV
I wrote his number on my hand and ankle knowing dans gonna delete it then I put it in my phone under "Maria" my friend he checks my phone for new numbers every weekend when my moms not home I out maris under "cute guy" I've changed a lot of name sin my contacts and I mainly sleep at my friends houses dans rich but god I hate him
J: hey baby
T: Jason right?
J: Justin
T: oh uh anyway bye
J: no your dad told us to talk
T: he's not my dad I'm  or doing that he says and I don't want to talk
J: your dad said-
T: he doesn't tell me what to do
J: ok I'll get right into it he's marrying you off to me
I started laughing hysterically his face stayed the same
T: oh your serious
J: yeah
T: my mom would never let that happen
J: she doesn't to now
T: he can't tell me what to do that's my real dads job
He grabbed me I struggled he held me tighter
J: look we're gonna get married you'll call him dad forget that boy earlier and we're gonna fuck in the next five minutes
I pushed him off and ran I ran to the girls bathroom I called mom i told her everything I blushed at the Chote parts
M: I'll be there in five your brothers game ended early
I thanked her
I saw her I ran up she hugged me and my little brother did to
D: babe what are you doing here
M: your not marrying my daughter off and that's final
D: than we should divorce
M: gladly
His smirk fell my mom hasn't kissed him loved him or had sex with him he has been obsessed with her since high school so he sucked that up
D: what no
M: no you've screwed us over to many times starving my kids
D: I just want what's best for our kids
We left we went home she pulled out the divorce papers he already signed them when they first got married she forced him she signed them and sent them to court
M: well I mean we're no longer with him once the divorce goes through but where will we go
We sighed sadly my brother Xavier who is only five didn't get it
X: what's gonna happen
T: nothing everything's gonna be fine I promise
I kissed his forehead he smiled and end to bed I went to my room and texted Chote we probably texted all night I'm eighteen by the way he's nineteen he's probably got some rich uncle and that's why he was there or a dad waiting for a promotion or a waiter but boy was I wrong
The divorce papers went thigh today I was with chote were dating now
C: can I show you my house
T: sure
We walked On the way we talked
T: well these streets are my new bed
C: huh
T: the divorce papers went through today so we're out
C: you can stay with me I mean your whole family
: you do realize that-
C: that's my house
He pointed to a fucking mansion
T: how I thought your dad was a waiter and-
C: more like dans boss
T: oh this shit just got real
C: (chuckles) so will you stay here
T: hell no I'm gonna be a bother your dad won't like that I'm living there my brother is another level of weird and don't even get me started on my mom you'll say everything's fine but really you'll be regretting you asked me to-
He kissed me
C: just come in
T: fuck no
C: I'm not taking no for an answer
T: nope
We went inside he took a ring out
C: this is a crappy ring but it's good enough
T; for what
C: Tomika will you marry me
T: we met last week
C: and yet I love you
I smiled and blushed
C: also if you marry me you have to live with me
T: you suck
C: so yes?
T: this isn't how i imagined getting proposed to
C: there's a romantic gazebo outside but the sun gets in my eyes it's to hot and if we wait till night it'll just be awkward if you say no since we waited five hours
T: (chuckles)
C: also the floors hard I'm not getting on my knee
I bit my lip happy
T: fine god
He smiled and we kissed he gave my the ring
T: imma spend so much of your money you don't even know
C: yeah no
T: that's cute you think you have an opinion
He rolled his eyes playfully I kissed him and you know what happens next
Nobody's POV
Dan got fired. Tomika and Chote got married and they moved to one of his MANY houses her parents moved to one of his beach houses. Justin was taken to jail for a month for threatening to rape her. And that's it but here's a little more cause I'm bored

Tomikas POV
I was getting undressed I put on my pajamas

And brushed my hair in the mirror chote came home behind me I smiled he kissed my cheek I giggled were 21 now T: I have to take off my makeupC: hey do you use it your so beautiful alreadyT: I'm gonna pass out from blushing you know that rightI sai...

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And brushed my hair in the mirror chote came home behind me I smiled he kissed my cheek I giggled were 21 now
T: I have to take off my makeup
C: hey do you use it your so beautiful already
T: I'm gonna pass out from blushing you know that right
I said looking at him
C: I know
He gave me a peck on the lips
C: tonight's our night
Every week we do it
T: than what are we waiting for
We smiled and went to the bed he got on top of me and kissed me he was about to take off my shorts when the doorbell rang
C: I hate that person why are they in our lives
T: come on
C: fine god so needy
T: (rolls eyes playfully)
We got up and went to the door we open it and no ones there
T: huh
A gun shot goes off we duck
C: what he he'll was that
T: take a wild guess
C: I know you wanna be sarcastic when you die-
T: it's my life goal
C: but seriously
More went off glass broke the baby started crying yeah we had a kid he's two months old he rushed over to the crib a bullet inches away from his face he handed him to me and I ran to the safe room I also lost all my pregnancy weight waist why am I saying this oh god I rocked him back and forth in the room he cried into my chest his name is Logan, Chote ran in I was crying to he hugged us and calmed us down when we heard
T: is that-
C: it can't be
He cried more I rocked him more chote whispered comforting words in his ears after a minute he calmed down and fell asleep in my chest
T: what now
My phone blew up with texts from Justin how did he get my number
T: oh god
C: what if one of us goes
T: you
C: why me?
T: I said so. I told you, you no longer have opinions
C: ok
He left after a few minutes I heard nothing there was no gun shots ever since he left and I couldn't hear taking I couldn't take it I went out making sure Logan was safe he was sound asleep I went out and locked the door to the safe room making sure he was in there and no one could hurt him I was just scared me and him will die and Logan will be stuck in there I shook off that bad thought and wrote down the code to the safe just in case the police come they'll save him I went out chote was on the couch he saw me his eyes widen
C: shit you got to go
J: fell right into my trap
T: goddammit
He held the sun to my head
J: I knew you couldn't help yourself you had to check on him
T: what the fuck do you want
J; don't be a smart ass to the guy holding a gun to your head and your future husband
T: I'm married dipshit
J: where's our son Logan
Chote looked mad
T: fuck off
He pushed me forward and pointed the gun at me I tripped and fell on chote
J: aww you'll die in each other's arm
Chote has his hand under the couch cushion he lifted his hand I dug my head into his chest a gun shot went off I shrieked scared and dug my head in his chest more I felt no pain wait is he dead am I holding his dead body I began crying
C: baby calm down
Oh thank god I lifted my head he smiled i kissed him he had a gun in his hand forgot we put a gun under the couch cussion he called the cops I got Logan thank god he hadn't woken up I'm glad he's gone and things are back to normal also as a mini celebration me and chote had a night I'll never forget I know cause when I'm telling my grandkids I still won't be able to walk

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