Family reunion

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Breannas POV
I was in the car with my family we were driving to this family reunion when we got there all I remember was kisses,hugs and "oh I missed you so much" one person caught my eye tall,great hair and much older I don't think I've seen him before
B: aunt Loretta who's that
A: oh that's Ricardo he works with your cousin
B: no wonder I haven't seen him before
A: he's amazing I wish he was related to us
B: I can marry him and he will be
We laughed she smiled and left he walked over to me
R: are you breanna
B: yeah and?
R: I'm supposed to show you to your room
B: ok
We left we walked around the halls
R: are you single
B: why
R: tryna make conversation
B: yeah
R: oh this is it
He opened the door I walked in
R: want me to help you with your bags
B: yes please
We left and went to the car his arms wrapped around my waist from behind me I blushed dark red
R: so princess how old are you
B: I...u-uh... 17
R: (whispers) fuck
He pushed me against the car holding my waist
R: I'm 21
I could feel his hot breath on my neck he started to kiss it a little
B: w-we should go inside
R: you do I'll get the bags
He let me go I left quickly what the fuck just happened and why did I enjoy it
We were all in the dining room Rico was sitting across from me watching my every move I avoided eye contact with him i put my hair behind my ear and looked up at him shily
R: (mouths) outside now
Everyone was to caught up in their conversations to notice I nodded my head and turned to my mom who was sitting next to me
B: can I go outside
M: sure sweetie
I got up and left I went to the side of the house it was really dark after a minute he came out to he walked up to me smirking I looked up at him he grabbed my waist pulling me close he pressed his lips against mine causing me to kiss back he pulled away he looked at me up and down he stared at me with lust I bit my lip sexually he went near my ear
R: damn do you know what you do to me when you bite your lip, just looking at your body makes me wanna do unspeakable things to it
He started sucking my neck biting it leaving a hickey
B: Ricardo
I whimpered
R: fuck babe
He sucked more I silently moaned
R: call me daddy
B: w-what
R: you heard me baby or do I need to punish you for you to get it
He started playing with the hem of my shirt
B: no daddy
R: good
B: we have to go back they're gonna be mad if they catch us
R: I'll never let them take what's mine but your right come on and come to my room tonight I'm gonna fuck you so hard
My breath hitched he smirked and went inside oh boy
He took me out to his car we drove off
B: where are we going
R: out
He took me to a house I scoffed and he took me in
R: this is my house
B: we have to go back
He pulled me to him smashing his lips on mine
R: jump
I jumped up so my legs were wrapped around his waist he carried me to his room and laid me down on the bed we kissed and well...
We were laying next to each other breathing heavily we were naked under the covers
B: what did we do
R: sex
B: oh god
R: come on it's not bad
B: your four years older
R: you gonna talk about me to your friends
B: shut it
R: come on baby
B: let's go home and don't tell anyone about this
R: I want to
B: this isn't happening again
He pinned me down
R: then let's make the most of tonight
I giggled and it was an eventful night
I woke up next to him our clothes scattered across the room I felt ashamed and disgusted with myself I can't believe I did that I sat up and he woke up
R: baby where are you going
B: don't call me that I'm not your baby and don't tell anyone about this
R: oh come on
B: NO I just lost my virginity to someone who's four years older than me
R: it's not that bad
B: yes it-
R: do you like me
B: yes
R: so why does my age matter what about me someone who's four years younger than me but I felt something with you so I don't mind
B: huh
R: do you wanna go back
B: ok
We got dressed and left no one really noticed we were gone we were a little relived I went to my room and Ricardo came in after a few minutes, I smiled he sat next to me after closing the door he sat next to me and moved my hair he started sucking my neck I moaned silently
R: (against neck) louder
B: I can't someone might hear
R: (against neck) don't care
He stopped and I kissed him we made out for a minute till
?: (shriek)
I turn and see my mom I smile weakly
B: h-hey mom
R: and deaf
He rubbed his ear she stormed away I groaned he kissed my cheek suddenly a stampede came in almost everyone stormed in glaring
B: are you kidding couldn't keep it to yourself
M:(coldly) no
B: it's just a kiss
R: not what you said last might
My eyes widen I hit him my dad growled
B: ok I'm out hurt him not me
R: wha
B: have fun
D: your not getting out of this
My family members stared in disgust and left my mom and dad dragged me out and I didn't see Rico the rest of the day but I do know I got a whole lot of talks like "it's illegal" or "when you were 12 he was 16" oh and "how could you be so stupid" I was a little annoyed in the end it's my life
B: ok enough I can't take it back so please just stop it's getting annoying
D; your underage
B: I turn eighteen next week
M: and until then we're making your life a living hell
B: I hate you but respect
She shrugged
Second I turned eighteen I started packing for college I was currently unpacking in my apartment I texted Ricardo
B: hey
R: hey where are you
B: new apartment finally away from my parents
R: did they annoy you
B: take a wild guess
R: 😂
B: not funny
R: princess it is
I rolled my eyes were dating now after an hour he showed up I smiled he sat next to me and we kissed we talked for awhile I'm glad I met him

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